Just Accept It? No.

So the theory about election results now being widely distributed seems to boil down to: “We opposed this guy for four years, using fair means and foul, the power of the entrenched bureaucracy and every lie Hillary Clinton could buy from the Russians. Now it’s time for his supporters to sit down, shut up and accept the election results we engineered, so we can get back to lining our pockets.” Everyone saying that insults the intelligence of Trump supporters – no surprise there, it’s their stock-in-trade – but also their ability to remember. What tripe. What absolute tripe.

At best, this is a badly divided country.  To insist, as anti-Trumpers have for the past four years, that their side is always right and their opponents, all 74 million of us, are nothing but pond scum will not help the situation.  Joe and Kamela can squeal all they want about “unity,” but without acknowledgement that Trump’s supporters have points on their side, we’re just edging closer to the cliff.

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