Armageddon is a Real Place

This is what weakness looks like:  this country’s most important associate in the Middle East suffers a sneak attack from a neighbor who sends heavily armed squads into civilian areas to kill as many men, women and children as possible while raining down rockets indiscriminately across the country. Our sawdust-brained president decides it’s not important …

Did You Forget?

So did you forget?  When you woke up this morning, before you had coffee did you take time to consider what happened 22 years ago?  The impact of the aircraft – in New York; in Arlington, Virginia; in a Pennsylvania field.  The people who threw themselves from the upper floors of the World Trade Center …

Slaves of the WHO

It appears that the Biden administration is on the threshold of an “International Agreement” even more dangerous than that Obama struck with Iran. In a few days we might wake up to discover that our Sock-Puppet-in-Chief has ceded authority to plan and develop US responses to future “pandemics” to the World Health Organization. Yeah, THAT …

Biden’s Bad, Horrible, No-good Balloon

So the CCP spy balloon was finally taken down after loitering around U.S. airspace for the better part of a month. And Joe Biden describes the downing with chest-thumping verve, as if allowing Communist China’s military a week-long grand tour of two legs of our nuclear triad, missiles and bombers before popping the balloon was …

Refusing to Learn

Today, we have something to remember. Eighty-one years ago at 7:50 am on a peaceful Sunday morning in Hawaii, to use the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt,  “the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”  For us, it was the beginning of a global war …

Baltic Jacuzzi Follies

There’s all manner of speculation about the huge amounts of natural gas boiling up in the Baltic from the NordStream I pipeline. Tucker Carlson squeals that Biden did it to help his fascist buddy in Ukraine. Others speculate that some undefined terrorist group did it for some unannounced reason, or even that Vlad the Terrible …

Democrats’ Border Lies

Joe Biden and his lackeys are lying to you again.  From the man himself – or whomever forms the words he tries to speak in his public appearances – to his vice-president to his inept spokesperson to the bureaucratic gangsters infesting his administration, another Big Lie is being spread.  “The southern border is closed,” they …

No, Joe – It Ain’t So

On June 22, 2021, Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, reacted to a worrisome increase in the Consumer Price Index of 5.4%, year-over-year.  “Inflation,”  he solemnly noted to the scribbling classes, “is transitory”.  Nothing to worry about, folks.  His take was swiftly parroted by others in the Biden Administration and throughout the legacy …