Debacle at Anchorage

Anybody keeping an eye on what happened in Anchorage, Alaska?  Someone better. For those wrapped around the axle about tax hikes, the opening of US borders, the destruction of our hard-won energy independence and the general run of craziness that is the vogue in Woke Washington these days, it might have escaped attention.  But that …

America’s Reichstag Fire

Here we are in the seventh week of the occupation of our nation’s capital.  There are now enough razor wire, barricades and checkpoints to make the former Capital of the Free World a clone of Baghdad’s Green Zone; more troops occupy the capital now than when the British burned it in 1814.  One must present …

Pre-failed Diplomacy

Well, who could have seen THAT coming?  After President Biden announces that the US is willing to “rejoin” the multilateral Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a.k.a. the “nuclear deal,” Iran has announced that it will further limit the already-restricted IAEA inspectors – or maybe throw them out of the country altogether.  They also rattle …

Infamy, unremembered

Seventy-nine years ago today the United States was “deliberately and treacherously attacked” by the Imperial Japanese Navy.  Over 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,700 wounded in the raid on Pearl Harbor that landed us squarely in World War Two, already raging for years in Europe and Asia. We thought we could remain aloof; that the …