Old Yeller States the Union

Old Yeller was certainly in fine form on Thursday last.  It was a sterling performance: squinty eyes, scowl, jerky mannerisms and the best hey-you-kids-get-off-my-lawn angry old man voice in which to blame Republicans for every problem created by his administration.  Which he did, and facts be damned. It’s now clear why he was so late …

A Rotten Banana Republic

Okay, it’s official:  courtesy of whoever has their hand up Joe Biden’s butt making his mouth move, the United States has become a Banana Republic.  And I don’t mean a store where chichi young people buy overpriced clothes. When a sitting president marshals the country’s law enforcement agencies to neutralize his most prominent political rival, …

The Rot of Alvin Bragg

With the indictment of Donald Trump for a bookkeeping error our country has taken another step toward Soviet-style governance. Laverentiyy Beria, Stalin’s thug-in-chief who once quipped “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” couldn’t have been prouder. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney bought by George Soros, has stepped up from pleading …

Just Accept It? No.

So the theory about election results now being widely distributed seems to boil down to: “We opposed this guy for four years, using fair means and foul, the power of the entrenched bureaucracy and every lie Hillary Clinton could buy from the Russians. Now it’s time for his supporters to sit down, shut up and …

Hate Won

So Democrats have dragged a corpse across the finish line in our presidential election. Hate did the heavy lifting, together with fear and threats, all time-tested tools of the Democratic party.  Credit for an assist goes to the media for its dishonesty and to local officials in key states for their corruption.  Though the Left …

Medical Issues

So Dr. Nancy Pelosi, fresh from serving up the largest helping of pork this nation has ever seen, calls President Trump “Morbidly obese?” Sorry, Fancy Nancy. Go back to giggling about your chocolate ice cream diet. After producing that three-trillion-dollar lard-bomb of a spending bill loaded up with safety nets for the indolent, payments and …

The Relevance of Aesop

This is what happens when classics such as Aesop are removed from the classroom in favor of the more-attuned “Heather Has Two Mommies:”  instructions in common sense and good behavior are neglected, resulting in adults who are significantly more ill-mannered, credulous and gullible. Current proof can be found in revelations from Shaun Henry, president of …

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