Old Yeller States the Union

Old Yeller was certainly in fine form on Thursday last.  It was a sterling performance: squinty eyes, scowl, jerky mannerisms and the best hey-you-kids-get-off-my-lawn angry old man voice in which to blame Republicans for every problem created by his administration.  Which he did, and facts be damned. It’s now clear why he was so late …

Democratic Totalitarianism

So this is how the Democrat party plans to “win” the 2024 presidential election:  by committing ceaseless lawfare against the presumptive Republican candidate, actually suing to keep him off the ballot in states he might win, like Colorado, Pennsylvania and Michigan, where Leftist activists are working with Democrat Attorneys General and sympathetic judges to derail …

Oh Shut Up, Man

So Joe is now haranguing us about those folks who have “occupied” the Capitol building to stop the certification of a deeply fraudulent election. Amidst the maudlin platitudes about the “Citadel of Democracy” he referred to the protesters as “anti-American” and decried them as a mob. Three thoughts: One, failure to recognize that the widespread …

The President of Corruption

Soooo….. Apparently it’s okay to talk about Hunter Biden’s – and through him, the president elect’s – financial ties with the Chinese Communist Party, now that Joe has been dragged across the finish lie by massive fraud and Democrat party collusion with a shamefully debased national media. Yep, he’s as dirty as a post-wallow hog, …

A few choices for the third

Tuesday’s the day. For the second time in two presidential elections Americans find themselves with a stark choice with real, and possibly permanent, repercussions for the future of our country. On one side we have Donald Trump, an amateur politician who has spent most of his life signing the front, not the back, of paychecks. …

A Stew of Lies

The Democrats’ virtual convention is over. I’m not sure which was worse, their tacit acknowledgement that their hopes for victory rely on hatred for the current president, or the window-dressing of policies thrown up to disguise that fact. Since Democrats’ hatred is a constant, let’s focus on their stated policies.  As damaging as the former …

Democrat Silliness

What a hoot. Just listened to Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ attack dog in residence trying to poison the well for Donald Trump’s acceptance speech tonight. Seems she criticized the Republican convention for being “All about Trump,” when that’s what the Democrats have been doing throughout the campaign: making it all about Trump’s personality, rather than …

Just a quick note on Joe Biden’s pals

Want to know what China’s been up to lately? Here’s a link to a July 21 indictment of Chinese hackers: ” https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/assistant-attorney-general-john-c-demers-remarks-press-conference-united-states-v-li-et “ Someone ought to ask Joe Biden if he thinks his Chinese pals are really okay. I mean, they did give Hunter a few billion to play with, but overall… We need to …

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