Guided Democracy for Dummies (that’s you…)

A few closing thoughts for the last day of a year I am happy to put in the rear view mirror, with the fervent prayer that the rot we saw in 2023 does not produce worse in 2024.  Because that seems to be the direction we are headed:  worse. A perfect example is all those …

Strength through lies; survival by injustice

“What sort of government is it, that finds its strength and its justification before its own people in falsehoods?  What is the destiny of a society that maintains and restores itself with injustice?”                                                 -Milovan Djilas, “The Unperfect Society” Lest readers start waving their arms and crying “Me!  I can answer that!  Over here!”, one …

American Kristallnacht

Any honest historian following the news in this country has got to a bit queasy these days.  Those paying special attention to the Middle East have to be verging on nausea. “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free” and other venomous drivel spewed by the empty-headed hatemongers in our major institutions of …

Democratic Totalitarianism

So this is how the Democrat party plans to “win” the 2024 presidential election:  by committing ceaseless lawfare against the presumptive Republican candidate, actually suing to keep him off the ballot in states he might win, like Colorado, Pennsylvania and Michigan, where Leftist activists are working with Democrat Attorneys General and sympathetic judges to derail …

Armageddon is a Real Place

This is what weakness looks like:  this country’s most important associate in the Middle East suffers a sneak attack from a neighbor who sends heavily armed squads into civilian areas to kill as many men, women and children as possible while raining down rockets indiscriminately across the country. Our sawdust-brained president decides it’s not important …

Biden’s National Suicide Pact

The plan is proceeding nicely. No, I don’t mean whichever plan one prefers to insure the vegetable president’s second term or replace him with Michelle Obama, either of which would result in grave peril for the Republic.  I’m talking about the plan of whatever group is propping Joe up.  It’s insidious, it’s devastating to our …

Did You Forget?

So did you forget?  When you woke up this morning, before you had coffee did you take time to consider what happened 22 years ago?  The impact of the aircraft – in New York; in Arlington, Virginia; in a Pennsylvania field.  The people who threw themselves from the upper floors of the World Trade Center …

Biden’s Economic Malpractice

Okay, enough.  Time to throw the BS card on Joe Biden’s mindless prattling about having “…created 14 million (or whatever the current number is) jobs…”  Along with his other afflictions he seems to suffer from discalcula – insofar as a sock puppet like him can be so stricken. The 14 million figure is, long and …

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