
Apparently it’s okay to talk about Hunter Biden’s – and through him, the president elect’s – financial ties with the Chinese Communist Party, now that Joe has been dragged across the finish lie by massive fraud and Democrat party collusion with a shamefully debased national media.

Yep, he’s as dirty as a post-wallow hog, and the rest of his corrupt family with him. Influence-peddling is their métier, and they’ve done right well by it. Yes, that includes the president elect, who China has apparently rented for a while now.

But fear naught.  Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden won’t be with us long.  Fancy Nancy’s “25th Amendment Committee” will soon begin pressuring for his removal, based on “newly-revealed financial links to hostile foreign governments,” which were only “newly-revealed” to people who have now decided that what the rest of us have known for a couple of years is worth talking about.

It’ll be less than year before Kamala is president de jure, as well as de facto.

Pray for a Republican Senate in January, and a Republican House in 2022. If not, prepare for serfdom under the Democrats’ bureaucratic state, presided over by the Oligarchs of Big Tech and answerable to the whim of Beijing.  It won’t be pretty for anyone without the means to buy their way in. Which is most of us.  

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