Old Yeller States the Union

Old Yeller was certainly in fine form on Thursday last.  It was a sterling performance: squinty eyes, scowl, jerky mannerisms and the best hey-you-kids-get-off-my-lawn angry old man voice in which to blame Republicans for every problem created by his administration.  Which he did, and facts be damned. It’s now clear why he was so late …

Democrats’ Border Lies

Joe Biden and his lackeys are lying to you again.  From the man himself – or whomever forms the words he tries to speak in his public appearances – to his vice-president to his inept spokesperson to the bureaucratic gangsters infesting his administration, another Big Lie is being spread.  “The southern border is closed,” they …

Worse than Dereliction

Okay, Joe:  from Kabul to McAllen, you’ve shown us all that you’re either incompetent or criminally negligent.  Time to close the Southern border at least, or face impeachment. Your Democrat colleagues won’t lift a finger to do it, of course.  That will have to wait another 18 months.  But impeachment should come shortly after January …

An Administration Lies and American Sovereignty Dies

Here are a few truths the Biden administration would rather you didn’t consider about the ongoing existential threat that is a Southern border they refuse to control. No, the situation is not “under control” in any sense of the term at present. No, it wasn’t worse under Donald Trump – at least not after he …

Bad Times on the Border

Well, at least we now know how the Biden Administration plans to handle the catastrophic mess they’ve made of security at our southern border.  They will continue to ignore it, lie about it and pretend it will go away. It won’t.  It will get worse.  And while we’re at it, no.  This is not President …

The End of the Beginning?

Okay, tomorrow’s the day.  Hidin’ Joe Biden will be inaugurated, and will immediately face profound challenges.  No, I’m not talking about COVID.  As bad as it is, and it’s bad, there are worse things going on in the world’s left hand while we’re all transfixed with what’s happening in the right – at the moment …

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