A Fatal Fecklessness

Anyone watching the Donbas region?  We should – it’s likely the spot where the match will be struck that starts the next Great-Power conflict. The Donbas is an eastern part of Ukraine, immediately on Russia’s western border.  It is occupied by pro-Russian separatists armed and supported by Russia, who have been in a state of …

Prelude to Oblivion

It may not yet be time to be afraid, but it may be time for concern – and careful observation.  President Biden is in Europe and from the results so far, America is in for some hard sledding. Yes, the Europeans were very welcoming. They gushed about “cooperation” and having a US president who’s willing …

Round Two

The second and last presidential candidate debate was, to quote author Douglas Adams, “Mostly Harmless.”  Joe Biden managed to stay awake and semi-responsive through most of it and President Trump didn’t bite heads off chickens or participants.  For those who didn’t watch, a good transcript is at USA Today.  The President was pretty straightforward in …

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