Biden’s Voting Wrongs Bills

It now appears that in a frustration-fueled rage, the empty suit that is Joe Biden will try to rip down one of the last props of the Republic to achieve his puppeteers’ dream of single-party rule. It’s not just that the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” and its evil clone the “Freedom to Vote Act” …

On The Abolition of Man

Here’s a way to tell one is in the presence of genius:  they can foretell the future. In 1947 British author C.S. Lewis completed and published “The Abolition of Man.” The slim volume was a collection of three lectures he gave at the University of Durham focusing on education.  It makes chilling reading today because …

A Fatal Fecklessness

Anyone watching the Donbas region?  We should – it’s likely the spot where the match will be struck that starts the next Great-Power conflict. The Donbas is an eastern part of Ukraine, immediately on Russia’s western border.  It is occupied by pro-Russian separatists armed and supported by Russia, who have been in a state of …

Arbitrary, Cruel, Bloody and Diabolical

“…Despotism…is the same in a Majority of a popular Assembly, an Aristocratical Counsel, an Oligarchical Junto and a single Emperor. Equally arbitrary, cruel, bloody and in every respect, diabolical.”

            -Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1815.

Educational Malpractice

The figures are in, and they ain’t pretty.  Now that the National Assessment of Educational Progress – known colloquially as the “nation’s report card” is out, we know that fourth-grade students have made no advances in math or reading since 2012. Thirty-four and thirty-one percent respectively were “proficient” then, thirty-four and thirty-one percent now. For …

Crazy Joe’s Pet Communist

Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency – the person responsible for managing risk in our banking system – is Saule Omarova.  A Professor at Cornell University’s Law School,  she is a self-proclaimed “radical” and a product of the former Soviet Union – the system that gave the world a worthless sorta-convertible currency, a …

Bad and Dangerous Math

“Look, here it is.”  Joe Biden is lying again. In his Monday morning press conference on raising the national debt, he echoed the argument, oft-heard from Democrat lawmakers, that we have to “raise the debt ceiling to pay for money already spent by both parties.”  Which is an outright lie. According to the Treasury Department, …

The Same Old Mistake

I recently toured the Stewart Indian School in Carson City, Nevada. Like its many counterparts around the United States, it was founded in the last decades of the 19th century. Like them, it was created to save Native Americans by forcing them to assimilate to the predominant culture, like it or not. Early on, children …

A Continuing Crisis

Afghanistan.  It’s the gift that keeps on giving.  As in, giving further evidence if any be needed that the Biden administration is utterly out of its depth and is has no concern about the potentially deadly consequences of being so. Current case in point are the six privately-chartered aircraft waiting on the tarmac at Mazar-i-Sharif …

After the Disaster, What?

Another day, another disaster.  Many more like this one and we’ll be able to stack them on top of one another and peep over wall built by the party propaganda arm formerly known as the legacy media.  All the details and dealings of the rotten mess that is the leadership of America-last movement calling itself …

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