They just won’t give up. “The president is illegitimate,” one recently bleated. “The election was stolen.” “The election was no good,” added another. The entire leadership in Washington concurred. There was theft. There was voter interference. There was denial of the franchise and other heinous fuckery resulting in a stolen election. But enough about Democrats. …
Category Archives: On Government
Evil in Legal Clothing
Want to have a look at genuine evil? It’s rare that we get a chance. Revolutionary France’s 1793 “Law of Suspects,” our 1857 Dred Scott decision and Nazi Germany’s 1941 “Night and Fog” decree are historical examples. For a more contemporary take, try reading California bill AB 2223, now state law having been approved on …
Baltic Jacuzzi Follies
There’s all manner of speculation about the huge amounts of natural gas boiling up in the Baltic from the NordStream I pipeline. Tucker Carlson squeals that Biden did it to help his fascist buddy in Ukraine. Others speculate that some undefined terrorist group did it for some unannounced reason, or even that Vlad the Terrible …
Democrats’ Border Lies
Joe Biden and his lackeys are lying to you again. From the man himself – or whomever forms the words he tries to speak in his public appearances – to his vice-president to his inept spokesperson to the bureaucratic gangsters infesting his administration, another Big Lie is being spread. “The southern border is closed,” they …
The “Equity” Swindle
“Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.” – Terence, Second Century BC Roman playwright Were he alive today, Terence could explain much of what is happening in our own foundering Republic. Consider the line above from his work “Heauton Timōroumenos.” In true Roman fashion it goes straight to the heart of the matter. “What is permitted …
Biden’s “Anger of the People” Moment
Psychiatrists often talk about the phenomenon of projection – a patient’s tendency to attribute to imaginary others, usually foes or figures of fear, characteristics of the patient him or herself. The quirky dodge allows very disturbed people to live with truly awful thoughts and tendencies. After all, they are aspects of other people’s minds, often …
On Tyranny’s Doorstep
Well, that was fun. Almost 235 years of it. Following the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a woman asked delegate Benjamin Franklin “Doctor Franklin, what sort of government have you given us?” The sage of Philadelphia responded with more wisdom than even he knew, “A Republic, madam – if you can keep it.” We now know …
Hollow Leader, Hollow People
As I watched President Biden shuffle around the Middle East last week, moping and rambling like an old man searching his living room for the TV remote in his left hand, I suddenly realized why his presidency feels to the people paying close attention like the fraudulent and empty failure it is. There’s no there …
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire…
“”Even amid the pandemic, companies in the United States pumped more oil during my first year in office than they did during my predecessor’s first year.” -Joe Biden, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 This, campers, is what we call a lie of omission. It’s an oft-heard one from the hapless Biden Administration, uttered by the …
The Democrats’ Show Trial
I watched a modern show trial over the past week. It had all the trappings: the solemnity of place, the jurists elevated above the mere mortals in the audience, the fawning media ready to pounce and tear the accused – who weren’t allowed a defense, or even a presence – to pieces. I searched for …