Okay, it’s official: courtesy of whoever has their hand up Joe Biden’s butt making his mouth move, the United States has become a Banana Republic. And I don’t mean a store where chichi young people buy overpriced clothes. When a sitting president marshals the country’s law enforcement agencies to neutralize his most prominent political rival, …
Category Archives: On Government
The Rot of Alvin Bragg
With the indictment of Donald Trump for a bookkeeping error our country has taken another step toward Soviet-style governance. Laverentiyy Beria, Stalin’s thug-in-chief who once quipped “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” couldn’t have been prouder. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney bought by George Soros, has stepped up from pleading …
Stagflation for the Vigorously Ignorant
This is how it works. There’s a small business owner in rural New York. Let’s call her Cindy Lee, because Cindy Lou is already spoken for. Let’s say she owns a bowling alley. The economic strangulation caused by COVID-panic did nothing for her business, which is now hanging on by its fingernails. Neither did the …
Slaves of the WHO
It appears that the Biden administration is on the threshold of an “International Agreement” even more dangerous than that Obama struck with Iran. In a few days we might wake up to discover that our Sock-Puppet-in-Chief has ceded authority to plan and develop US responses to future “pandemics” to the World Health Organization. Yeah, THAT …
Biden’s Bad, Horrible, No-good Balloon
So the CCP spy balloon was finally taken down after loitering around U.S. airspace for the better part of a month. And Joe Biden describes the downing with chest-thumping verve, as if allowing Communist China’s military a week-long grand tour of two legs of our nuclear triad, missiles and bombers before popping the balloon was …
The Decadent Phase
Our republic seems perilously close to its decadent phase, in which anonymous bureaucrats of a bloated central government connive with political demagogues to establish a tyranny in which they think they will rule forever. They are wrong about the last bit of course, but their actions may well destroy the country we know and which …
The Deeply Evil State
Thank God for Elon Musk. One may love him, hate him, think him mad as a March Hare – but there is no doubt that the documents he has dumped from the corporate memory of Twitter reveals to anyone with the slightest bit of curiosity both the evil behind the anodyne term “deep state” and …
Joe’s Potemkin Border
In 1762, a princess from an obscure German principality became Catherine II, Empress and Autocrat of all the Russians. She rapidly became one of the most powerful rulers of her day and is still one of the most powerful political women in all human history. She probably conspired to have her husband, Peter III, murdered …
Refusing to Learn
Today, we have something to remember. Eighty-one years ago at 7:50 am on a peaceful Sunday morning in Hawaii, to use the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” For us, it was the beginning of a global war …
Bizarro World
It’s official – we now live in Bizarro World. Hakeem Jefferies, “election denier” extraordinaire, is now the House Democrats’ Minority Leader. No one turns a hair. Twitter’s Elon Musk is now spewing out reams of communication between the former Lords of Twitter and White House and Democrat party apparatchiks detailing how to throttle stories unflattering to …