Follow the Science and Other Lies

Follow the science?  In January, many in the medical community warned that President Trump’s ban on travel from China would “harm the response” to COVID-19.  See, buried as deep in Google as it’s possible to get.  Shortly thereafter, Anthony “New Hippocrates” Faucci warned that masks would create more problems than they would solve, and …

A Stew of Lies

The Democrats’ virtual convention is over. I’m not sure which was worse, their tacit acknowledgement that their hopes for victory rely on hatred for the current president, or the window-dressing of policies thrown up to disguise that fact. Since Democrats’ hatred is a constant, let’s focus on their stated policies.  As damaging as the former …

Democrat Silliness

What a hoot. Just listened to Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ attack dog in residence trying to poison the well for Donald Trump’s acceptance speech tonight. Seems she criticized the Republican convention for being “All about Trump,” when that’s what the Democrats have been doing throughout the campaign: making it all about Trump’s personality, rather than …

On White Supremacy

Should the best person for a job get it regardless of gender or race?  The New York Philharmonic thought so. It was one of many US orchestras that adopted “blind auditions” in the 1970s to eliminate discrimination in selecting musicians.  A candidate would play for judges from behind a screen, all personally identifying information redacted …

Just a quick note on Joe Biden’s pals

Want to know what China’s been up to lately? Here’s a link to a July 21 indictment of Chinese hackers: ” “ Someone ought to ask Joe Biden if he thinks his Chinese pals are really okay. I mean, they did give Hunter a few billion to play with, but overall… We need to …

Green Idiocy

Sooooo…. The Wizards of Smart in Nevada’s state government will now “study” mandating that Nevadans buy more electric vehicles. Never mind they cost more – sometimes a LOT more – than comparable conventional fuel vehicles. Never mind that their range is – at least in OTT (other than Tesla) vehicles – is somewhat limited and …

A Thought Experiment

I love thought experiments:  they cost nothing but time, involve no complex instruments, can be run in a variety of permutations, virtually instantaneously. Here’s one: Let’s say Seattle is home to a very large and restive group of businesspersons. Call them the “John Galt Society.” One Sunday (they’re busy working every other day of the …

Do Black Lives Really Matter?

Do all black lives really matter?  Before the indignation causes an embolism, consider the following: Most of us attending to the news have heard the name David Dorn, and remember that he was a 77-year-old black police captain gunned down on Martin Luther King boulevard in St. Louis in late May by a looter wanting …

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