All New Same Old, Same Old

So Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden has revealed part of his proposed Administration, thus tipping his hand as to the type of government he intends to create.  He introduced this Blast from the Past with the quip that we need “New Thinking,” which is hilarious to say the best of it. This band of retreads from …

Stop This Madness Now

Deep breath, boys and girls.  Deep breath.  Another.  Okay… Joe Biden will be the next president.  I know – He was coronated in one of the most fraudulent elections in our country’s history, easily equal to that of 1876 or 1888.  Forget the twaddle peddled by the Administrative State, legacy media, the Lords of Technology …

In a Stolen Election, Opportunity

Here’s a thought for Republicans who want to grow the party in a more conservative but non-country-club direction:  opportunity is lying in the street begging to be picked up.  If the Republican party can be re-aligned in a way that melds the basic conservatism of  most Americans with the patriotic and America-positive themes struck by …

Hate Won

So Democrats have dragged a corpse across the finish line in our presidential election. Hate did the heavy lifting, together with fear and threats, all time-tested tools of the Democratic party.  Credit for an assist goes to the media for its dishonesty and to local officials in key states for their corruption.  Though the Left …

Round Two

The second and last presidential candidate debate was, to quote author Douglas Adams, “Mostly Harmless.”  Joe Biden managed to stay awake and semi-responsive through most of it and President Trump didn’t bite heads off chickens or participants.  For those who didn’t watch, a good transcript is at USA Today.  The President was pretty straightforward in …

A few choices for the third

Tuesday’s the day. For the second time in two presidential elections Americans find themselves with a stark choice with real, and possibly permanent, repercussions for the future of our country. On one side we have Donald Trump, an amateur politician who has spent most of his life signing the front, not the back, of paychecks. …

Words Have Meanings

Memo to slow Joe, Kamela and all the Dems who got the weasel-wording plan of action: Sorry, No. “Packing the Supreme Court” does not refer to a party’s nomination of judges to the bench in regular order, following constitutional practice. That said judges are to the nominating party’s judicial taste is no be expected. That …

Thoughts from the Creation

Words to ponder, taken from James Madison’s notes on debates during the Constitutional Convention: “Mr. GERRY. The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots. In Massachusetts, it had been fully confirmed by experience, that they are daily misled into the …

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