On June 22, 2021, Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, reacted to a worrisome increase in the Consumer Price Index of 5.4%, year-over-year. “Inflation,” he solemnly noted to the scribbling classes, “is transitory”. Nothing to worry about, folks. His take was swiftly parroted by others in the Biden Administration and throughout the legacy …
Category Archives: International Affairs
A Worrisome and Dangerous Man
Oh yes he did. In his trip to Poland last weekend, Joe Biden did indeed call for regime change in Russia. He also said that the US would respond “in kind” – his words, not anyone else’s – to a Russian chemical attack in Ukraine. That’s a reversal of US policy of some 25 years …
Maybe Joe Just Don’t Know…
“I’ll always be honest with you” Poor Joe. He may want to speak the truth to the American people but it’s hard to do so when the Green Left has its hand up his backside, making his mouth move. To borrow a favorite phrase of the President, “Here’s the deal.” On January 21, 2021 the …
Avoidable, Repetitive, Tragic and Bloody
So Vlad the Terrible is now occupying Ukraine’s version of the Sudetenland. As with 1938 Czechoslovakia, the rest of the country will follow in due course. Both the 2014 seizure of the Crimea and Russia’s current actions violate the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, in which Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States promised …
Those Who Forget History’s Lessons…
“How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel which has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war.” — …
A Fatal Fecklessness
Anyone watching the Donbas region? We should – it’s likely the spot where the match will be struck that starts the next Great-Power conflict. The Donbas is an eastern part of Ukraine, immediately on Russia’s western border. It is occupied by pro-Russian separatists armed and supported by Russia, who have been in a state of …
The Climate Grift
As we watch the ongoing clown show in Glasgow, a thought. Instead of beating up Joe Manchin for wanting to share facts with a slogan-spouting Green Guard ideologue, or pressing for confiscatory taxes so the government can “spread the money around” to its favorite corporate cronies and other petitioners, perhaps everyone hyperventilating about the “climate …
Terrible Then, Terrible Now
Twenty years ago today, on September 11, 2001, our world changed for the worse. On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists flew three aircraft into three buildings. A fourth attack was thwarted by the passengers of United Airlines flight 93, who sacrificed their lives to make sure their aircraft didn’t reach its target. 2977 people died …
A Continuing Crisis
Afghanistan. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. As in, giving further evidence if any be needed that the Biden administration is utterly out of its depth and is has no concern about the potentially deadly consequences of being so. Current case in point are the six privately-chartered aircraft waiting on the tarmac at Mazar-i-Sharif …
After the Disaster, What?
Another day, another disaster. Many more like this one and we’ll be able to stack them on top of one another and peep over wall built by the party propaganda arm formerly known as the legacy media. All the details and dealings of the rotten mess that is the leadership of America-last movement calling itself …