I see that Joe Biden has appointed one Jessica Stern as the Department of State’s “special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQ rights.” The appointment says a lot about how his administration sees the world. It ain’t good. Ms. Stern is certainly entitled to her viewpoint. She can publicly embrace allowing genetic males to compete in athletic …
Author Archives: Administrator
Lies at the Border
Oh brother. Months after being tapped by the president as the Biden administration’s “Border Czar,” Vice President Harris was finally shamed and cajoled into taking a trip to south Texas to see the unholy mess her boss has made of our southern border. Seeing it in person apparently did no good. Arriving in El Paso, …
“First, We’ll Nuke All the Gun Owners”
I know, I know – he didn’t say he would nuke Americans. What he did say – exactly – was this: “Those who say the blood of patriots y’know and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood …
Insipid, Utter Failure
So President Biden escaped his meeting with Tsar Vladimir the First with a whole skin on Wednesday, and managed to deal with a few questions afterward without staring into the middle distance for more than a few seconds at a time. Although he did have a bit of a problem with a query that should …
Prelude to Oblivion
It may not yet be time to be afraid, but it may be time for concern – and careful observation. President Biden is in Europe and from the results so far, America is in for some hard sledding. Yes, the Europeans were very welcoming. They gushed about “cooperation” and having a US president who’s willing …
COVID, Education and the Blank-Screen Boogie
Why don’t all parents demand higher educational standards and their enforcement, replacing administrators and politicians who stand in the way. Is it because they understand that in our no-fault society failure can always be laid off on others, and loss of employment through ill education means mere inconvenience rather than an existential challenge?
Lies Joe Biden Wants to Tell Our Kids
If you are reading this, stop. Go instead to https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/04/19/2021-08068/proposed-priorities-american-history-and-civics-education and read what the Biden Administration want to teach American schoolchildren: that the primary engine of their country is racism; that it is steeping in an inexpiable sludge of racial hatred; that woke-ness is the only acceptable response. The Left has finally dropped the mask; …
Chuck Schumer: fool or liar?
In the immortal words of Turanga Leela, “Oh Lord.” The worst isn’t that Chuck Schumer blames Donald Trump for the current problems employers are having persuading former workers to return to their jobs, instead of understanding that if someone is paid more for sitting on the couch and watching Netflix than working, sitting on the …
Joe Biden’s Tissue of Lies
“…great innovations should not be forced on a slender majority .” -Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Armstrong, 1808 On Wednesday, April 28 the divider-in-chief addressed a near-empty Congress to crow about his accomplishments, mischaracterize and revile his opponents and shill for his ultra-partisan agenda to an audience ill-suited to indicate the temper …
Aneconomic Idiocy
I see Wonderland’s Aneconomic Caucus, ten “liberal US Senators,” according to the Associated Press, have demanded that President Biden “prioritize people over pharmaceutical company profits” by waiving international intellectual property rights rules. The group of economic illiterates, including the usual suspects Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Ed Markey, Sherrod Brown and Richard Blumenthal sided with India, …