I recently toured the Stewart Indian School in Carson City, Nevada. Like its many counterparts around the United States, it was founded in the last decades of the 19th century. Like them, it was created to save Native Americans by forcing them to assimilate to the predominant culture, like it or not. Early on, children …
Author Archives: Administrator
Terrible Then, Terrible Now
Twenty years ago today, on September 11, 2001, our world changed for the worse. On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists flew three aircraft into three buildings. A fourth attack was thwarted by the passengers of United Airlines flight 93, who sacrificed their lives to make sure their aircraft didn’t reach its target. 2977 people died …
A Continuing Crisis
Afghanistan. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. As in, giving further evidence if any be needed that the Biden administration is utterly out of its depth and is has no concern about the potentially deadly consequences of being so. Current case in point are the six privately-chartered aircraft waiting on the tarmac at Mazar-i-Sharif …
After the Disaster, What?
Another day, another disaster. Many more like this one and we’ll be able to stack them on top of one another and peep over wall built by the party propaganda arm formerly known as the legacy media. All the details and dealings of the rotten mess that is the leadership of America-last movement calling itself …
Biden’s Deadly Failure
President Biden will address the nation today, supposedly on the chaotic collapse of a US-supported government in Afghanistan. As has been his wont, he will lie. He will follow the Anthony Blinken script on our scramble to withdraw from that tortured country, denying that it is “like the fall of Saigon.” Which I suppose is …
Worse than Dereliction
Okay, Joe: from Kabul to McAllen, you’ve shown us all that you’re either incompetent or criminally negligent. Time to close the Southern border at least, or face impeachment. Your Democrat colleagues won’t lift a finger to do it, of course. That will have to wait another 18 months. But impeachment should come shortly after January …
An Administration Lies and American Sovereignty Dies
Here are a few truths the Biden administration would rather you didn’t consider about the ongoing existential threat that is a Southern border they refuse to control. No, the situation is not “under control” in any sense of the term at present. No, it wasn’t worse under Donald Trump – at least not after he …
Continue reading “An Administration Lies and American Sovereignty Dies”
Nancy Pelosi’s Terrorist Show Trial
Nancy Pelosi’s version of the 1936 Moscow “Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Center” trial has begun, and smartly, too. Four uniformed policemen, two from the Capitol police force, two from the Washington, D.C. police, performed their assigned roles flawlessly, tearfully recounting their trauma and horror at hordes of protesters swarming into the Capitol building. At least two of …
An American Tragedy
Oh my. Jen “Circle Back” Psaki, Joe Biden’s feckless Minister of Truth, let the cat out of the bag: the White House has been using social media giants like sock puppets in an effort to “eliminate misinformation” about COVID-19 vaccinations. A team of basement-dwelling thought police has evidently been “suggesting” to Facebook, Twitter, et alia …
Running Away is Not Heroic
Democrat members of the Texas House of Representatives fled the state on Tuesday, abandoning their legislative responsibilities like the Iraqi army scrambling away from the “Mother of all Battles.” They did so in a flourish of elitism, flying away maskless on private aircraft, the celebratory beer discretely but not effectively tucked out of sight, declaring …