Commonsense Sociopath Control

In the aftermath of the Uvalde horror and the talking heads scrambling over the bodies of dead children to shriek their talking points, what else is there to say?  A lot. No, we don’t need “commonsense gun control” which in the hands of the Left is always an oxymoron. We don’t need more “gun control …

The Great Democrat Replacement Program

It seems that the new mantra of the Progressive Left is “far-Right ‘Replacement’ conspiracy theory.”  One heard it from the President in his May 17 commentary on the racist hatred that spawned the Tom’s supermarket shootings in Buffalo. And the thought was immediately parroted throughout the legacy media commentariat. Both the president and the unthinking …

Divisive and Poisonous Hypocrisy

Jackson Sparks. Virginia Sorenson. Tamara Durand. Jane Kulich. Wilhelm Hospel.  LeAnna Owen.  And sixty-two others, all attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin on November 21, 2021. The first six were killed by Darrell Brooks Jr. when he drove his SUV through barricades and then deliberately through the Christmas crowd at over 40 miles per …

The Peril of Political Ragemongering

The newly elected legislature received a bill to centralize control in the capital, using executive actions.  It had a high-sounding name:  “A Law for Removing the People’s Distress…” The newly elected leader gave a moderate speech, emphasizing evolutionary change and restoration of previously ignored rights. But as this moderation was spoken, the legislature was surrounded …

The Ministry of Truth and Other Lies

“If you want something done right, do it yourself.” That seems to be the current motto of the Democrat party when it comes to silencing political enemies.  Once content to rely on the good offices of Silicon Valley’s Left plutocrats like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg, they have apparently been stung to action by the …

No, Joe – It Ain’t So

On June 22, 2021, Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, reacted to a worrisome increase in the Consumer Price Index of 5.4%, year-over-year.  “Inflation,”  he solemnly noted to the scribbling classes, “is transitory”.  Nothing to worry about, folks.  His take was swiftly parroted by others in the Biden Administration and throughout the legacy …

A Worrisome and Dangerous Man

Oh yes he did.  In his trip to Poland last weekend, Joe Biden did indeed call for regime change in Russia.  He also said that the US would respond “in kind” – his words, not anyone else’s – to a Russian chemical attack in Ukraine.  That’s a reversal of US policy of some 25 years …

Maybe Joe Just Don’t Know…

“I’ll always be honest with you” Poor Joe.  He may want to speak the truth to the American people but it’s hard to do so when the Green Left has its hand up his backside, making his mouth move. To borrow a favorite phrase of the President, “Here’s the deal.”  On January 21, 2021 the …

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