Soooo….. Apparently it’s okay to talk about Hunter Biden’s – and through him, the president elect’s – financial ties with the Chinese Communist Party, now that Joe has been dragged across the finish lie by massive fraud and Democrat party collusion with a shamefully debased national media. Yep, he’s as dirty as a post-wallow hog, …
Author Archives: Administrator
A Cosmic Screwing
So now we hear that one Eric Swalwell, D-CA and member of the House Intelligence Committee, is in high dudgeon about revelations that he was very probably elected with a lot of financial help and what one might call (ahem) “moral support” from one of China’s premier intelligence agencies, through one of its many agents …
Vigorous Incompetence
And now, News of the Weird from Nevada, the Union’s driest state. And not in a teetotaling sort of way… As reported in Reno’s “Gazette – Journal, Democratic party elections litigator Kevin Hamilton successfully opposed the Trump presidential campaign’s legal claim of fraud in Nevada’s November’s vote by arguing that “…there was no way to …
Infamy, unremembered
Seventy-nine years ago today the United States was “deliberately and treacherously attacked” by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Over 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,700 wounded in the raid on Pearl Harbor that landed us squarely in World War Two, already raging for years in Europe and Asia. We thought we could remain aloof; that the …
All New Same Old, Same Old
So Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden has revealed part of his proposed Administration, thus tipping his hand as to the type of government he intends to create. He introduced this Blast from the Past with the quip that we need “New Thinking,” which is hilarious to say the best of it. This band of retreads from …
Stop This Madness Now
Deep breath, boys and girls. Deep breath. Another. Okay… Joe Biden will be the next president. I know – He was coronated in one of the most fraudulent elections in our country’s history, easily equal to that of 1876 or 1888. Forget the twaddle peddled by the Administrative State, legacy media, the Lords of Technology …
In a Stolen Election, Opportunity
Here’s a thought for Republicans who want to grow the party in a more conservative but non-country-club direction: opportunity is lying in the street begging to be picked up. If the Republican party can be re-aligned in a way that melds the basic conservatism of most Americans with the patriotic and America-positive themes struck by …
Another slap in the face
So Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden is likely to become our next president, thanks to the massive fraud made possible by mail-in voting. And for all you squealing about “no fraud found” or other similar claptrap, let me remind you: after a ballot is removed from its mailer and security sleeve, it is anonymous (which is …
Hate Won
So Democrats have dragged a corpse across the finish line in our presidential election. Hate did the heavy lifting, together with fear and threats, all time-tested tools of the Democratic party. Credit for an assist goes to the media for its dishonesty and to local officials in key states for their corruption. Though the Left …
Round Two
The second and last presidential candidate debate was, to quote author Douglas Adams, “Mostly Harmless.” Joe Biden managed to stay awake and semi-responsive through most of it and President Trump didn’t bite heads off chickens or participants. For those who didn’t watch, a good transcript is at USA Today. The President was pretty straightforward in …