In addition to his title as The Worst President in Modern History – and when you top both Jimmy Carter and Warren G. Harding, that’s a real accomplishment – Joe now has another title:  the Prince of Pardons, the King of Commutations, the Reliever-of-Responsibility-in-Chief. Fifteen hundred so far, and counting.  The highlights include a civic official for the town of Dixon, Illinois, who embezzled over $50 million over the course of her career; Michael Conahan, the “Kids for Sale” judge of the Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court who oversentenced more than 2,500 juveniles and sent them to a privately-run juvenile detention facility in return for “considerations” from the management of the facility; and of course, his son Hunter.  In addition to commuting 37 of 40 Federal death-row killers’ sentences, including those who butchered police, members of our military and prison guards:  the worst of the worst.  It seems that our AWOL Chief Executive has a real appreciation for corruption, cupidity, mayhem and those who practice them.

Hunter’s pardon was one of the first of this sordid package and by no means the least.  Nor will it be the last for a family member;  expect a similarly expansive presidential “get out of jail free” card for Joe’s brother James to come along any minute now.  Very quietly.  When no-one’s looking

It is these, more than pardons for  kid-peddling judges, drug dealers, sticky-fingered officials, murderers or perjurers that create a stomach-churning scandal.  They are more problematic than blanket pardons for public employees or legislators, political cronies or  any of the other hundreds more recipients of the invisible president’s legal largesse. Even though the present pardonpalooza is unprecedented in modern America:  one has to reach back to the post-civil-war Johnson presidency to find anything nearly so broad.

Because the Biden family pardons are not, in the end, about mercy – or even money.  Money is only the vehicle that carries the real menace.  What the pardons are really about is the future of the Democrat party and the cozy and symbiotic relationship they have evolved with America’s bicoastal elites and with the legacy media – still the source of information for many Americans  and  a trustworthy stenographer for the Party and its massive Federal bureaucracy.

Consider the breathtaking reach of Hunter’s pardon:  for all crimes in a ten-year period beginning in October, 2014.  Note that this was the month Hunter, sans any experience in the oil and gas industry, was made a member of the board of Barisma, a corrupt company in Ukraine, one of Europe’s most corrupt countries.  It covers the time Daddy Joe used US taxpayers’ money to blackmail the then-Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor investigating the very board Hunter had joined. Note that then-President Trump was impeached for allegedly asking the Ukrainian President for “dirt” on the Bidens if you want to know the depth of Democrat concerns for Joe’s shenanigans there.

Joe’s pardon covers the time Hunter was hired by a Communist Chinese financial company to manage over a billion dollars in assets, without any expertise in financial management. It even covers the period Hunter was selling his “art” to discerning and very well-heeled but anonymous “collectors.”  Since no crimes are now chargeable during this period, it’s unlikely the American people will ever know the depth or breadth of office-selling, access-peddling or other pay-to-play schemes engaged in by America’s Corruptor-in-Chief.  And there’s more.

Hunter’s pardon and those of Administration officials to follow – think Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland (thank GOD he didn’t end on the Supreme Court. Mitch McConnel has a lot to answer for but he deserves the thanks of  grateful nation for helping us dodge THAT bullet) – will also serve to suppress interest in Hunter’s laptop and the universe of naughtiness, personal and official, it contains. I can only image how much brow-mopping is happening right now in the upper levels of the Bureaucratic State, and I don’t mean just by the “51 Former National Security Officials”…

Speaking of which, yes – I’m certain there is similar relief among the legacy media.  You remember them:  purveyors of the Russia Hoax;  the “Biden Laptop is a Russia Psyop” lie; the  “Cops Killed by Jan 6 Demonstrators” lie and the rest of the Democrat party talking points they poured unfiltered, unchecked and uncommented upon, into the unquestioning minds of their trusting fellow citizens.  It was very uncomfortable for them when their various audiences began to wake up and ask questions.  It will be much more so when those audiences begin to realize how extensive the lies were, and how little their sources did to perform the traditional – and self-proclaimed – function of the press:  to question everything ruthlessly, thereby uncovering the truth.  By placing much of the Biden family’s activity outside the practical reach of justice, Joe has assured the Democrat party’s fawning acolytes in the media that they have nothing to fear. Time will tell if his assurances will hold any more water than his Homeland Security Secretary’s do.

I sincerely hope they do not.

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