In the coming political hurricane, one must insist on things being called what they really are to gain understanding – not to mention to retain one’s sanity..

Here are a few examples.  When Democrats wail about “threats to democracy,” it might be useful to recall which regime is busily working to jail its political opponents.  Here’s a hint: from  General Michael Flynn  and George Papadopoulos to Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and the former President himself, it was the Administrative state, led by Democrats howling for blood, who were trying to jail political opponents.  In fact, in the past seven years the Democrat party has been working diligently to create the Fascist ideal:  “Nothing above the state; nothing outside the state; nothing against the state.”  Benito Mussolini would have been proud, but you should be profoundly frightened and angry, especially if you disagree with the drivel being espoused by the Democrat party.  They’ll try to destroy you if you get too mouthy…

By the way, nothing says “democracy” quite so much as a race-hustling pol who never won a primary being propped up as presidential material after the guy who actually won the votes to be nominated was hustled out of the running by a shady cabal of moneymen and pols frightened of losing power, does it? 

Speaking of Kamela, nothing quite measures the craven qualities of the bootlicking left media better than their current campaign to throw her disastrous last three years down the Memory Hole.  “Kamela was never the ‘Border Czar,’” They squeal in perfect unison.  But the record tells the truth.  When she was appointed soon after Joe’s inauguration he said she would “lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.” But now, the cabal of liars comprising the Democrat steno pool in the press want you to forget everything that came before that “and.” Similarly,  House Resolution 253 from March of 2023 was excoriated by the Left not because it termed Kamela the “Border Czar,” but because it called for her removal from the position for inaction and incompetence.  Her title wasn’t really the problem then, and its present use is only to prevent discussion of the real reasons Congress called for her removal:  incompetence and sloth.

When Democrat operatives squeal about “wiping out years of progress,” the immediate question should be “progress toward what?”  If one persists through the fog of irrelevancies which follows, one will arrive at the troubling answer:  “Toward a society devoid of laws, morals, facts and compassion for anyone but one’s self.  And which values expediency in the achievement of this above all else.”  In other words, progress toward the dissolution of our society and polity – heretofore the most successful, open, democratic and prosperous on Earth.  Everything about the phrase should be made clear, each time it is used.

Likewise, the phrase “a woman’s right to choose” should be questioned.  Choose what?  Because what’s really being discussed is the choice to end the life of a potential human being. In a medical emergency or some other unimaginably bad situation, that may be the least bad decision available.  But that never, ever means it’s a good thing.  It’s a death, and those who clamor for it should be made to acknowledge that.

 “My body, my choice” is another common shibboleth heard in this conversation.  It is, like most of the phraseology of those who advocate for death, a half-truth, its charming face hiding the rot beneath.  They should “follow the science” instead.  What grows in a mother’s womb is not entirely hers.  Humans do not reproduce through parthenogenesis;  a fetus is not a genetic copy of the mother, a clone.  A partner human contributes half the genetic material, so technically speaking, half of the growing child is most truly not hers. The mother’s body nurtures and protects the whole, but the whole is not wholly-owned.  The decision over the fate of an unborn child is Solomonic, not pro-forma, as the Left wishes.  And their wishes are illuminating.

In this and other contexts one will often hear the term “MAGA extremists,”  sometimes prefaced by “ultra.”  It’s said with a vehemence that suggests the term is a synonym for “Fascist” or “totalitarian” or some other term much more descriptive of the politics of the Left than of run-of-the-mill Republicans.  That calls for a pause to consider the meaning of the term.  “MAGA”  as informed people understand, is simply an abbreviation for “Make America Great Again.”  Why there is such violent opposition to the idea raises interesting speculation.

Do those attacking the acronym not want America to be great?  Or perhaps they think that America was never great and that it doesn’t deserve to be.  There are certainly no end to the self-loathing America-haters in the Democrat party. And if those on the other side of the street think that this country has, in fact, performed great deeds – ending slavery; helping to defeat actual Nazis and Fascists; holding in check the Communist imperialism of the USSR until it collapsed;  standing against the totalitarian expansionism of China, Iran and others – well, then they must be “extremists.”  Mostly to make their opposite numbers fell good about themselves.

Perhaps in this case, the Left’s throwaway term is correct.  I am extremely proud of this country. Unlike the Left, I understand that, despite false starts and detours, occasional backsliding and faithlessness, The United States is the most consistent harbor for individual liberty in the two hundred forty-odd years of its existence.  I’ve lived in some of the alternatives, so I’ve had the occasion to compare. In most of the places I’ve been, those waving placards denouncing the government would later be found face down in a ditch somewhere – if they were found at all.  Female promiscuity results in death, often at the hands of family.  So does homosexual behavior.  If one votes, one votes as one is told.  “Gold or lead” is often the watchword.  If one knows the signs, one can see the open practice of slavery.  Yes, right now, today.

This country is simply better,  a member of the small elite of nations where real freedoms are enjoyed.  Anyone who attempts to tell you different is woefully misinformed or a liar, usually with ulterior motives.

Something to keep in mind as we move toward November fifth.

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