“First, We’ll Nuke All the Gun Owners”

I know, I know – he didn’t say he would nuke Americans.  What he did say – exactly – was this:

“Those who say the blood of patriots y’know and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots… What’s happened is, that there never been, if you wanted… you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,”

Yep.  That’s the man Joe Biden’s entourage want us to think is in charge.  Which means one of three things:

            1.  Bidenites have gone so bat-guano crazy that the above actually makes sense to them.

            2.  Bidenites fancy themselves members of the power elite, so dismissive of most

                        Americans that they think sneering at them and issuing veiled threats is good


            3.  Both 1 and 2.

I think it’s #3, but any of the above means it’s time to think seriously about what it means when all Federal power is in the hands of a cabal that thinks between baldfaced lies from the highest office in the land and physical threats from the Woke mob in the streets, Americans will simply fall into line.

They won’t.  And the fact that the President views the average gun-owning citizen with contempt as an unlettered rube, or with fear as a psychopathic murderer-to-be will not sit well with them.  Joe and his power-drunk cronies may not care about the opinions of the 42% of US households that own one or more firearms, but they should – not only because that sort of attitude throws any claim that Joe is trying to unify anyone save for the extreme Left of his leftward-lurching party down the stairs, but also because the stupid statements that are made in service of this attempt at unity with lunacy ain’t a good look for any of them.

In his June 23 speech on “crime,” Biden also tried to explain that there was a limit on the kind of weapons Americans could own. “The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people that could own a gun, and what type of weapon you could own” he said. More than anything, this shows why his staff is terrified of letting him extemporize.

Since Joe Biden has forgotten – if he ever knew or cared – neither the Second Amendment nor the  Constitution contains any such limit.  In the Founders’ day, a citizen could own a canon.  Americans could – and did – own well-armed warships, several of which were contracted by the Continental Congress for “private sector naval operations” during the Revolution.  The president’s comment is Constitutionally and historically wrong – either through a failure of memory or due to utter lack of care about what his audience might think.

Nor are these the only errors.  Biden got crime statistics wrong, got the timeline on gun violence wrong, got the impact of “assault weapons,” whatever that means, wrong – in the past two years, according to the FBI, a victim is four times more like to be stabbed or beaten to death than shot.  And if shot to death, far more likely to be done in by a handgun than a long gun, including those nasty-looking “assault rifles.” So his premises, as well as those of the notorious gun-grabbers in his party’s loony Left, are either based on willful ignorance or are deliberate lies.

Taken together with the other comments in his rather other-worldly press event, such dishonesty creates an image unworthy of the Presidency of the United States.  Joe ought to stop digging the hole he’s in. In his condition, he might not be able to find his way out.

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