I would call it unbelievable, but I find myself believing more and more things I wouldn’t have thought possible a year ago.  I refer in this case to House Bill 1, the “For the Creation of a Single Party State in Perpetuity Through Electoral Fraud” legislation passed by the House of Representatives last week.  No, that wasn’t the title they gave it, but the lie was so transparent that the intent of the bill wrote its title for it.

The bill is mostly unconstitutional, proposing sweeping changes to electoral processes reserved to the various states by both Article 2, Section 1.2 and by the 9th and tenth amendments;  not that the Constitution matters much to Democrats any longer.  It also aims openly to Californicate the Republic, creating the unlimited “democracy” of disconnected petitioners that our Founders warned us would be the death of their creation.  And while this might be a goal gleefully anticipated by the anarchists of ANTIFA, the Marxists of Black Lives Matter and the other minions of America’s enemies, the rest of us have good reason to be dubious.  The United States has been a force for good throughout its history, and especially over the past century. Not perfect, certainly – but one has only to imagine the results of a Japanese victory in the Asian War of 1934-1945 or a Soviet victory in the Cold War to understand our contribution to human progress.

That aside, what’s so bad about HB1?  Everything.  Consider a few of the high points of this legislative brick.

Section 6A calls for voter registration by Internet.  There’s a subsection requiring an electronic signature, but that provision applies “…only in the case of applications submitted during or after the second year in which this section is in effect in the State,” in other words, after 2022.  Wonder why?  Perhaps because those cobbling this together think that after that date, the whole thing will be moot?

Section 1012 requires automatic registration of everyone in a state who might be eligible to vote.  One must opt-out in order to remove one’s name from the process. Every state agency, from the DMV to aid and welfare organs must submit to a registrar all information on a person they think might be qualified to vote.  All of these agencies’ “contributions” will be forever protected from public disclosure.

Worried that this net will scoop up the non-citizen? You should be. Section 1015 protects everyone from state or Federal prosecution if they are registered automatically courtesy of the aforementioned DVM or welfare agencies, and vote – regardless of citizenship status.  Oh, you were worried about noncitizens voting, not about their being prosecuted?  Racist.

And if you think anyone will be able to prosecute a person who “willingly and knowingly” voted illegally, forget it. Subsection (B) says that lack of knowledge or intent “…may be demonstrated by the individual’s testimony alone.”  According to H.B. 1, profession of ignorance of the law is not only an excuse, it’s an ironclad one.

Part 4, Section 304 requires same-day registration of voters; subsection (a) 2. exempts applicants from an oath or affirmation of eligibility to vote, should the state not require it.

There are further provisions on the registration of minors; on legalizing ballot harvesting;  on tightly restricting the elimination of probable double voters registered in more than one state;  on challenges to voters (an entire section is devoted to restricting these challenges); and essentially opening our elections to anyone who thinks they might be eligible to vote, whether living or dead.  It’s a bill designed to end once and for all any conceivable effort to maintain voter rolls that reflect current realities, and to erase forever distinctions between citizens and others when it comes to the vote.

HB 1 is an 887-page piece of legislative compost that would haul our country back to the day of the political machine and the bosses who ran them;  to the rule of the Ward Heeler and the political goon squad.  We’ve seen the results, from Tammany Hall in New York to the Pendergast and Cook County political machines in Kansas City and Chicago. We’ve seen the Frank Hague Organization in Jersey City; Augusta, Georgia’s “Cracker Party” and the Parr Machine in South Texas.  The last gave us “Landslide Lyndon” Johnson, elected in the 1948 Democratic Senate primary by the dead in the cemetery of Alice, Texas.  At least they all had beautiful penmanship when they signed the voter rolls. In alphabetical order. With the same pen.

The primary ballots were later burned.

HB 1 is simply another step in a continuous effort by Democrat politicians to seize and perpetually maintain political power. The result will be California run on a national scale, with policies decided by cozy relationships between the political class and the ultra-wealthy, and the actions of violent street gangs. The middle class will eventually evaporate, pressed on all sides and eventually becoming not citizens but petitioners, wards of the one-party state. We’ve seen the movie before, and it never changes.

 It’s unutterably sad, because the politicians diligently laboring to bring this nightmare about don’t give a damn about the people whose rights they profess to be protecting.  They care only about protecting their livelihoods and status, and will do anything to insure their elite status.  HB 1 is one of their tools, and if you swallow a word of it, you will have taken yet another step on what, in another context, Friedrich Hayek termed “The Road to Serfdom.”

Tell everyone you know to tell every politician they know “Not only no, but Hell, no.”  Do it now.  While you still can.

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