Well, who could have seen THAT coming?  After President Biden announces that the US is willing to “rejoin” the multilateral Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a.k.a. the “nuclear deal,” Iran has announced that it will further limit the already-restricted IAEA inspectors – or maybe throw them out of the country altogether.  They also rattle a few letter openers, judging that sabres aren’t going to be necessary to have their way with the Biden crowd.  The Maximum Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, says we’ll have to lift sanctions before they deign to lift their boot so we may kiss it;  trust the Harris-Biden Administration to rush to comply, and to grovel properly when the time comes.  Anything to be able to talk again…

What do you think the Ayatollah sees when he looks at Joe Biden?  There’s only one answer:  weakness.  When he looks at Joe, he sees Neville Chamberlain.  Look for a bomb in Tehran’s hands by the midterm elections at the latest.  And given the recent public announcement that the Harris-Biden administration is “reevaluating” our Middle East alliance system, how reticent do you think the Mad Mullahs are going to be with their new-found power?

While we’re at it, let’s consider the catastrophe of Joe’s performance on last Tuesday’s entirely padded, scripted and guardrailed CNN Town Hall, during which he explained away Communist China’s genocide against its Uighur population, its violation of treaty terms in Hong Kong and its renewed threats against Taiwan as an example of “different cultural norms.”

What do you think Xi Jinping sees when he looks at Joe Biden?  Weakness.  Neville Chamberlain on steroids. And looking over his shoulder, North Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung sees exactly the same thing.

Since we don’t teach real history in this country any longer, here’s why the puppet president’s fumbling and befuddlement matter:  it will cause miscalculation on a grand scale, and our nuclear-armed enemies will begin to do things they oughtn’t, simply to see if they can get away with them. Which for a while, they will. But eventually an invisible, unannounced, unmarked and utterly irrevocable red line will be crossed, and the entire world will have a very, very bad day.  Serbian nationalists crossed it in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.  Adolf Hitler crossed it on September 1, 1939 and the Imperial Japanese War Cabinet crossed it on December 7, 1941. Don’t think that the current crowd of jackbooted thugs around the world are any more perceptive than those who have gone before;  they’ll blow past it before one can say “John Kerry…”

This is precisely why Donald Trump was a better champion for American interests abroad than Joe Biden could ever be.  Trump was unpredictable, outspoken, brash, a fearless negotiator and invested in outcomes, not processes.  He was dedicated to the protection of American interests, even if it meant abandoning negotiations that were not going well.  Joe Biden is, by contrast, none of these.

Joe Biden will rejoin the JCPA because it is “multilateral” or “because diplomacy is back” or some other codswallop. He will do it for the wrong reasons, because he and the rest of the “diplomacy is back” crowd think the goal of having talks is to have talks.  It isn’t.  Diplomacy is undertaken to protect the interests of our country, and if that requires others to loathe you because you let it be known that if they violate those interests the Wrath of Hell is going to rain down on them while we sit back and drink tea without raising our pinkie fingers, then so be it. But Joe needs too much to be seen as one of the cool kids to ever consider taking that tack.  Instead, he will do whatever the cool kids demand, and won’t care when their demands escalate.  Which they will.  They always do.  Until they are too much, and once again, the world has a very, very bad day.

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