Unity and Other Lies

Well that didn’t take long.  We now know what Democrats, including Joe “Mr. Moderate” Biden and Fancy Nancy Pelosi, the Ice Cream Queen of San Francisco, mean by “bipartisan.”  Roughly translated, they mean “Do what I want, or fuggetaboudit.  And we’ll lie about you in the bargain.”

Republican Congressional leaders, understanding that there were still hundreds of billions of unspent dollars remaining from previous “COVID relief” bills, wanted a $618-billion aid package to give $1,000 to individual Americans, to aid small businesses still closed and to underwrite a growing COVID testing and inoculation campaign.  Democrats wanted more money, with the individual payments to go as well to those in families with “mixed status citizenship.”  That means illegal resident aliens, for those of us not up on Progressive bureaucratese.  They’ve also written their three-times-larger bill to bail out decades of profligacy and mismanagement in big states run by – well, Progressive Democrats. Their bill also contains billions in subsidies for Affordable Care Act premiums, tens of billions for mass transit, $175 billion more for K-12 schools, $35 billion additional for higher education, specifically mentioning “minority serving institutions,” and a grab-bag of other giveaways.  It doubles the Federal minimum wage, the standard against which most union wages are negotiated;  raises the child income tax credit by 33%; showers billions on local and tribal governments.  It’s a giant Santa Claus sack of money for Democrat favorites, taken from American taxpayers.  And it’s being passed the same way Obamacare was – with nil Republican participation, negotiation or support.

It’s sad, but not unexpected.  The day Democrat leaders given one inch in negotiations with the party they now characterize as “white supremacists” and “terrorists” is the day the Jacobins are guillotined by the party’s Terrorists.  Capital “T.” French Revolution reference.  Work with me, here…

So “unity,” “healing,” “bipartisan” and all the rest of the “we really, really want to get along with our Republican friends and compromise over how to govern” garbage from Democrats is nothing but a pack of lies.  Except perhaps if the aforementioned “Republicans” are congenial losers of the roll-over, hand-licking, Mitt Romney lapdog variety.  They’ll do whatever’s asked of them, then go cower in the corner for fear of being called bad names.  Those Republicans, Democrat leaders will makes deals with all day – because they’ll do as they’re told, even as their fellow Republicans are taken out back for repeated beatings by Democrat goon squads.

The time for compromise is over.  I wish it were not, but I’m willing to look at the evidence –  which shows that the Democrat party is hell-bent on making this country a one-party state, by any means necessary. They’ve dominated the Academy for decades, churning out cadres of America-hating intellectual drones.  They’ve taken over most of the media, turning it into a monolithic stenographic pool for the party. They’ve forged alliances with the Lords of Tech, controlling most of our communication infrastructure. And now they think they can do exactly as they wish, changing our laws, our customs and our very language to suit their whims, without so much as a by-your-leave from the rest of us.

Are they right?  Maybe.  Pushing back from this very perilous moment; re-establishing political equilibrium and moderation; restoring Constitutional protections and a sense of patriotism – these are works of decades, because “progressive” Democrats have been actively undermining our country, its traditions and its values for over a century.  It is a difficult task, and thankless. Those who push back are going to be called all sorts of nasty names, because that’s a tactic of the left.  We’re going to be ostracized and “cancelled,” because silencing critics has been a tactic of tyrants since there has been a written record.  Only free countries accept criticism as part life. There are going to be physical attacks, because force is the last resort of a ruling clique which has lost any other claim to legitimacy.  But it is absolutely necessary if our country is to remain free – its original objective and the goal of its ongoing project.

That task may seem overwhelming – but it was no more so for the Revolutionists of 1776, who challenged the world’s most powerful nation to create a country devoted to the radical idea of freedom in a millennium awash in absolutism.  They prevailed. Freedom’s advocates today can, too – because freedom is an unalienable right that every human being has and feels, whether his or her government of the moment acknowledges it or not.  Freedom is the most subversive, the most corrosive, the most powerful idea in the world.  We must embrace it once again.

So talk to your neighbors and friends. Write letters;  post your sentiments online.  Visit yourselves on state and local governments.  On school boards.  On party meetings. On every politician you can think of.  Organize. There’s a country to win.  Again.

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