Vigorous Incompetence

And now, News of the Weird from Nevada, the Union’s driest state.  And not in a teetotaling sort of way… 

As reported in Reno’s “Gazette – Journal, Democratic party elections litigator Kevin Hamilton successfully opposed the Trump presidential campaign’s legal claim of fraud in Nevada’s November’s vote by arguing that “…there was no way to know who allegedly voted twice, what if any dead people voted, or who was accused of casting ballots after moving out of state.”  This in a state that supposedly requires a voter’s signature on a mail-in ballot to be compared with signatures already on file.

Oblivious to the irony of the argument – Nevada’s records are so bad or our officials so incompetent they can’t tell if someone’s voted twice or died, so the complaint is moot – Washoe county Judge James Russell agreed, tossing the Trump lawsuit.  Talk about tipping one’s hand.

What to do, what to do about this unselfconscious nitwittery? 

Nevada’s GOP should immediately take note and begin planning to insure that in 2022 every Republican candidate on the ballot receives as many votes as there are registered voters in his or her electoral district.  Since the state government  apparently believes being dead is no reason to be deprived of the franchise; that ballots harvested from Wonsan are just as good as those from Winnemucca; and that multiple voting is an undetectable expression of enthusiasm, why not?

After all, as Kevin Hamilton put it and Judge Russell agreed, there’s really no way of knowing if this or that mail-in ballot was properly cast by Marion or Glenda Zioncheck, or if it was another fine product of Bob’s Ballots and Business Cards in Seven Troughs. So we should embrace the Democrats’ brave new experiment in democracy. Let everyone’s voice, fictional or real, hither or yonder, living or dead, be raised in a furious clamor for their heart’s desire.

Then make sure they get it.  Good and hard.

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