Stop This Madness Now

Deep breath, boys and girls.  Deep breath.  Another.  Okay…

Joe Biden will be the next president.  I know – He was coronated in one of the most fraudulent elections in our country’s history, easily equal to that of 1876 or 1888.  Forget the twaddle peddled by the Administrative State, legacy media, the Lords of Technology and their Democrat henchmen.  This was a fraud perpetrated on the country courtesy of COVID-19 and the universal mail-in balloting it triggered.

To understand why allegations of fraud are now going to be impossible to prove, consider this:  the ONLY things that assured ballot X was legitimately cast by voter X  were the voter’s signature on the ballot envelop and the postmark. When the envelops and security sleeves are discarded at the beginning of the counting process, there is no Earthly way to distinguish a ballot properly filled out and cast by citizen Marion Zioncheck from the twenty originating in the front office of Democrat Votes “R” Us in downtown Moline that arrived together with thousands of others in the trunk of Al Franken’s car. None. Zilch. Nada. That is why observers were kept as far away as possible in many fraud-prone, machine-controlled districts, sometimes in violation of court orders.  What did those committing the fraud have to fear, after all?  The party committing the violations would also be in charge of the penalties.  If the symmetry were more perfect, I would weep.

This is the reason that The only use in lawsuits at this point is to spread knowledge of this fraud as far and as wide as possible, so that pushback is the only response open to a thinking patriot.

We must never, ever have an election like this one again. Ever.  No more ballot harvesting, mail ballots without signatures or postmarks, provisional votes cast with the flimsiest of pretenses.  The franchise, our ability to select our leaders, is the bedrock foundation of the Republic.  Call that into question and the entire structure topples.

Yes, I know.  Many of you are inclined to overlook obvious irregularities because in the end we are rid of the Bad Orange Man.  You know who you are, and others do as well. But in your shortsightedness in winking at the sort of shenanigans we witnessed, you sow poisonous doubt about the fundamental fairness of the entire electoral process.  You enable those whose goal is chaos and the eventual dissolution of our country.   Wake up and man up.  Stop being a tool.

This is particularly àpropos for the governors and legislatures of the 21 states controlled by Republicans.  It is even so for the 29 states in which Republicans control only the legislatures.  As electoral procedures are set state by state, you all have it within your grasp to reset electoral rules to preclude this sort of Grand Theft Nation.  No more universal mail-in voting. If one wishes an absentee ballot, signatures are required both on the request and on the return envelope, and they better match the poll book.  The deadline for receipt of mail ballots is 5pm on election day, period.  So, to quote Larry the Cable Guy, “Git ‘er done…” Mail-in ballots to be counted before COB on election day, results to be announced together with in-person voting.   Early voting limited to one week before election day and no matter if before or on the day of, photo ID required.

If Stacy Abrams shows up with a lawsuit alleging “discrimination,” make certain the first question she has to answer is some form of “Why do you want to undermine faith in the electoral system and make it easier to cheat?”  Make the second one “Do you really think your clients are so lazy and stupid that they can’t obtain something people need to cash a check or buy cigarettes?”  Because that’s what the underlying thesis of “It’s too hard to get an ID” really is.

Then tell her to pound sand, all the way to the Supremes.  George Soros and Tom Steyer are smart, if vicious;  they will pull their money long before the case gets there.  Yeah, I’m looking at you, Georgia.  Hey Governor Kemp;  hey, AG Carr:  can the people of this country count on you to show a little spine this time around, or will you fold like a cheap suit again? 

How about the rest of you?  Will you stand up and do something before the Left makes America a one-party state, or do you think if you just sit back and let it happen the Squad will go easy on you?  If the latter, you are sadly mistaken and this country is headed for the “Long Dark Winter” that Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden predicted.  And it’ll be worse than COVID.

Because there’s no vaccine for tyranny.

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