Another slap in the face

So Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden is likely to become our next president, thanks to the massive fraud made possible by mail-in voting. And for all you squealing about “no fraud found” or other similar claptrap, let me remind you: after a ballot is removed from its mailer and security sleeve, it is anonymous (which is good) and therefore, disputes over the actual source via signature identification (assuming the state even requires it), origin and timing of any particular vote are impossible because that information is gone (which is bad). That was the reason that observers were thrown out of counting stations or otherwise prevented from seeing the opening of ballot envelopes while that process was underway. Not something you’ll hear from the crowing media or Democrats, but a fact nonetheless. This entire process, from court cases attacking the requirement for a signature on mail-in ballots, to a vast extension of time for voting to outright interference, mark this election as a shame.

And any talk of “free and fair” fools no one. The more the Left and the media squeal about it, the more one wants to pat one’s self down for the “Stupid” sign. And the more this feels not like an exercise in our hallowed tradition of self-government but like a punch in the mouth for Americans who love this country and want the best for it – and for their neighbors. What’s coming won’t be good for anyone but the very rich, the political class and our new Overlords of High Tech. The rest of us are going to get it, good and hard.

Sweet dreams.

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