The Ploy

Is Joe Biden paying attention? He better start; the party he represents is beginning to look a lot like an episode of “Game of Thrones.” Case in point is Fancy Nancy Pelosi’s cute trick: a bill to create a commission to “Execute the 25th Amendment.” Said amendment, for those a little late to the party, is a device whereby an incapacitated president may, at the behest of a majority of his cabinet, temporarily surrender power to the Vice-President. Nancy’s coup-in-a-bill transfers this power to a committee of the Congress, essentially making any president its creature.

More ominous, she deflects attention by saying that “This is not about President Trump, it’s about the future…” By which she means Joe.

To Democrats, the current election is already in the bag; the problem therefore is how to dump Biden and lever the party further to the left. A commission with the power to declare the president “incapacitated” would be an ideal way to do this, making the leftmost former senator President, with the power to pick her Veep. Add a Democrat-controlled Congress and we have a nightmare scenario: packing the Supreme Court to achieve a reliably Left bench; admission of Puerto Rico and DC as states; imposition of the Green New Deal in its unadulterated form and a thousand more “reforms” designed to bring us a perpetual one-party state.

Joe Biden is too oblivious to notice, but you should. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And vote accordingly.

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