Follow the Science and Other Lies

Follow the science?  In January, many in the medical community warned that President Trump’s ban on travel from China would “harm the response” to COVID-19.  See, buried as deep in Google as it’s possible to get.  Shortly thereafter, Anthony “New Hippocrates” Faucci warned that masks would create more problems than they would solve, and that the new virus would not be much of a problem.  Google has tried to bury that one too, and the so-called “fact checkers” tried to explain it away as “outdated,” but here it is, from CBS News:

Why the kerfuffle? Because Democrats, now in high dudgeon about President Trump’s “inaction” on COVID-19, know that will work only if people are not reminded that, when the president did take action, their leaders roundly condemned it as “hysterical xenophobia” – including the guy they now want to lead the country.  Wonder how many more Americans would have died to preserve China’s feelings had he been in charge?  Don’t believe it?  Check  before the Democrats’ electronic Brownshirts make certain you never see it again.  

Because they who have made a fetish out of the science-flavor-of-the-day, have evidently forgotten that “science” is never fixed. It changes s new discoveries are brought to light, meaning that “following the science” may look like a drunkard’s walk, with today’s certainties looking like tomorrow’s idiocies.

And because a party who conspires to conceal the past while shaking a bogeyman named “science” at the voting public is reprehensible, deserving only the back of the voters’ hand.

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