Green Idiocy

Sooooo…. The Wizards of Smart in Nevada’s state government will now “study” mandating that Nevadans buy more electric vehicles.

Never mind they cost more – sometimes a LOT more – than comparable conventional fuel vehicles. Never mind that their range is – at least in OTT (other than Tesla) vehicles – is somewhat limited and prone to further reductions based on things like running the air conditioner or heater. Never mind than the selection is sparse. Never mind that, since we have not yet master the technology behind producing electricity from unicorn farts, we will have to have more gas-fired power plants – or, this being an “environmentally responsible,” meaning do-everything-the-most-complex-and-expensive-way-possible state, many more bird-killing windmills or desert tortoise slaying photovoltaic installations to provide the extra electricity, and about a bazillion more miles of wire to carry it from where it’s made to where it’s used.

Or everyone can turn off their air conditioners so we can use the extra power for transport.  Try to sell that in the Las Vegas summer.

None of which matters. Governor Sisolak has schemed his “Clean Cars Nevada” mandate, so damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead and steer for the reef.

Who will buy these high-priced buckets of cutting-edge technology?  Why, the people who are better and more beautiful than you, so they may virtue-signal to all the other human longhorns in the green stampede. And when Progressive officials, annoyed that people are not rushing to buy the Latest Green Fad Which Must Be Embraced decide to punish the worthless hoi poloi by jacking up the price of conventional fuels, who will they harm most?  The poor, who cannot afford to embrace the costly new fripperies no matter how much they will eventually “save at the pump.” For the vast majority of people Progressives claim to support, five years is too long to break even. Five months might be, too. But for the political class, that thought never occurs; they are too busy showing others how “woke” they are to worry about tiny details like the crushing burdens their decisions will impose on those not in their charmed circle of favor.

Perhaps they need to be awakened from their “wokeness.”  Having to find another job come November would be a start.

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