Medical Issues

So Dr. Nancy Pelosi, fresh from serving up the largest helping of pork this nation has ever seen, calls President Trump “Morbidly obese?”

Sorry, Fancy Nancy. Go back to giggling about your chocolate ice cream diet. After producing that three-trillion-dollar lard-bomb of a spending bill loaded up with safety nets for the indolent, payments and benefits for illegal aliens, pass-through money for Democrat donors, lifelines for governors so inept of states so profligate they were so far in the hole that bankruptcy was the dimmest of hopes, you pretend to worry about the President’s health?

Funding for abortions and prohibitions on voter ID laws?  $2,400 a month in unemployment PLUS state unemployment payments through January of 2021 – and then, who knows?  More references to “cannabis” than “jobs?”

I suspect the health you should worry about is your own. Although much more svelte for your age than the president, it seems you have a significant accumulation of fat between your ears.

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