So did you forget?  When you woke up this morning, before you had coffee did you take time to consider what happened 22 years ago?  The impact of the aircraft – in New York; in Arlington, Virginia; in a Pennsylvania field.  The people who threw themselves from the upper floors of the World Trade Center to escape the flames? The other-worldly collapse of the twin towers and what followed:  the asphyxiating, deadly fog of dust and poisonous chemicals covering the people and things of downtown Manhattan in a grey coat; an obscene parody of the Indian Festival of Colors?

Did you forget those in a hopeless situation who fought back anyway, using drink carts to batter down an armored cockpit door to bring down the aircraft headed for the White House? Heroes, each and every one of them.

Did you forget about the hate behind all the death, all the destruction? 

That our nation has enemies that would gladly burn it to the ground and dance on the ashes? And kill you just for giggles?

Because it does.           

They have mostly been kept at bay, but they are not defeated.  Our recent failures and fecklessness have multiplied and encouraged them. From Moscow to Peijing, Pyongyang to Tehran to Kabul and Mogadishu, those who do not wish us well have many reasons to believe that their time has come.

We have no southern border;  people enter as they please, from all corners of the Earth – from Central America, certainly, but also from China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Yemen, Iraq – the list is long.  And yes, it includes terrorists.  The Border Patrol “encountered” 98 people on the FBI’s terrorist Watch List last year, and more than that already this year.  I wonder how many more escaped detection?  With everyday illegal entrants, the Border Patrol estimates 599,000 “gotaways” in FY 2022 alone – about 18% of those who were detained.  You do the math and tell me what it means if only 1% of them are here to do us harm.

Democrats – with the possible exception of New York City mayor Eric Adams, now fully exposed to the effects of the foolishness of announcing that thus-and-such jurisdiction is a “sanctuary,” and publicly squawking that  it’s become a catastrophe – fully embrace open borders.  They calculate that it will bring them millions of new Democrat voters, since the newcomers are mostly unskilled and pose no danger to the well-being of the technocratic elites that are their cadres.  As to the American workers the newcomers will replace, well – too bad.  Your taxes will rise, your public services will be poorer and more overcrowded and your wages will be lower – punishment for not voting for those who rightly rule you.  Serves you right.

And we will all be less secure in the bargain, unless those from Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen are just here to drive taxis, sweep floors and sell fruit.  Tip:  they aren’t.

Instead of taking action to secure the country, the White House whines that “Congress needs to act,” which is hogwash.  As President Trump amply illustrated current laws are perfectly sufficient to halt illegal entry – all that is required is the will to do so.

But the do-nothing excuse does present Republicans with an opportunity to stand for something;  they should take the challenge and produce legislation that:

  • Completes the border wall and other security measures;
  • Makes crossing the border illegally a felony;
  • Sets a 6-month deadline for all who have applied for asylum to have their cases adjudicated, or to leave the country.  Involuntarily if necessary.
  • Returns “likeliness to become a public charge” to the forefront of decisions about intending immigrants.
  • Eliminates “birthright citizenship” to the children of parents here illegally.
  • Eliminates “family reunification” as a justification for immigration.
  • Strengthens for vetting process for those suspected of ties to terrorism.

Pass such legislation unanimously and send the result to the Senate forthwith.  Demand it be treated in this legislative session.  Watch Democrats sweat as their usual accusations of racism and unfairness are swatted away with responses like “Why are you using these false charges and red herrings to prevent our country from being sovereign and secure?  Whose interests are you really serving, because it’s not the American people’s…”  Be steadfast.  Insist.  Do not be cowed.

Alas, many Republican lawmakers are afraid to produce such legislation.  They prefer the praise of their Democrat colleagues and the Washington swamp to protecting the national interest. They’ve forgotten 9/11 as well.

But we shouldn’t, when election day rolls ‘round.

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