The Rot of Alvin Bragg

With the indictment of Donald Trump for a bookkeeping error our country has taken another step toward Soviet-style governance. Laverentiyy Beria, Stalin’s thug-in-chief who once quipped “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” couldn’t have been prouder.

Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney bought by George Soros, has stepped up from pleading violent crimes down to misdemeanors for real criminals to overcharging a former President for willfully and improperly mis-purposing checks in the memo section of a checkbook.  Maybe. He thinks.  Anyway, it was in furtherance of a felony.  Which he will not name.

Even Democrats, including legal minds of great expertise, call this case out for the groundless, sleezy attempt at Trump-bashing that it is.  What we are witnessing here is another step toward the collapse of the Republic, long an object of the Progressive Left.  They think they will like the chaos that follows.  The unquiet ghosts of Danton and Robespierre whisper to them to be careful what they wish for.

No American – no Republican, no Democrat, no independent, no apolitical and apathetic shlub, no one – should be in favor of what just happened in Manhattan.  This is the height of Soviet-style governance:  fitting up a political rival for prosecution by a completely politicized judiciary.  This is  road which, in many other times and countries, has led directly to one-party rule and the authoritarian state, with the secret police and gulags to match.  That Democrats can barely control their glee that the bad orange bugaboo who fills their nightmares is now facing a 34-count indictment only indicates they have finally abandoned any pretense of caring about the country, or “Democracy,” at least as most sane people define it.  They are ruled instead by a single master passion:  the lust for power.  To obtain and retain it they will sacrifice anything:  faith, honor, country – even the “democracy” they pretend to cherish.  It’s all a lie;  the Democrat elite cares for no one and nothing unless it enhances their control.

And for those squealing that “no one is above the law,” I have two words:  Hillary Clinton.  Or if you prefer two others, Hunter Biden.  Peter Strzok?  Lisa Page?  How about James Clapper?  Or everyone who swore on multiple FISA warrants that the “Trump Dossier” was confirmable and proven?  How about “the Big Guy?”  Yeah, I know – that’s three words.  Big deal. Each of these committed actual Federal felonies without suffering the full weight of the law.  Maybe because the Department of Justice was off dealing with parents who were terrorizing school boards by demanding to see the woke curriculums used to indoctrinate their kids, or surveilling those “radical Catholic extremists” in the long tradition of Democrat anticlerical xenophobes past.

So, shut up.  You’re embarrassing yourselves.

A final thought:  recently, Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador says Trump’s indictment eradicates the US’s ability to criticize antidemocratic activities by other governments.  That should make all our ears prick up but good:  when El Salvador calls you a Banana Republic, you’re in deep doo-doo.

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