It appears that the Biden administration is on the threshold of an “International Agreement” even more dangerous than that Obama struck with Iran.

In a few days we might wake up to discover that our Sock-Puppet-in-Chief has ceded authority to plan and develop US responses to future “pandemics” to the World Health Organization.

Yeah, THAT WHO – the wholly-owned Chinese shill that is still “investigating” the origins of COVID-19 with the dedication of O.J. Simpson looking for Nicole’s real killer.  The CCP mouthpiece who got nothing right about a Chinese-origin virus responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Americans and tens of millions worldwide.  That steadfastly advocated lockdowns, masking, closures, mandatory vaccines and other policies now known to be as useless against the disease as Voodoo, and much more damaging.  And that led the malicious destruction of reputations and careers of medical professionals who dared question the received wisdom about COVID-19, based on things like their own research and clinical practice.  You know – science.


And for those poor saps who argue that, as an international agreement Joe Blank’s capitulation to the WHO needs the approval of two-thirds of the Senate, the same as any treaty:  shut up, peasant.  For the past fifty years a series of Supreme Courts in a sweat to add to the authority of the Imperial Presidency (to use an older term of art) have found that such agreements, while not strictly constitutional, are really kind of okay.  Sort of. Because the Constitution is, you know, flexible and adaptive. So.

Why does this breathtaking and stealthy – come on, admit it:  you didn’t even know it was happening and God knows the media machine wouldn’t breathe a word of it – pose such a thoroughgoing threat to our democracy and rule of law?  I’ll give you a minute;  come up with the worst scenario you can.

Okay, time’s up.  Did anyone bother to check the incipient agreement and notice that one of the rights assumed by the WHO was the ability to fight “disinformation and misinformation” as defined by itself?  Did anyone recall that in April of 2021, Rochelle Walensky, Director of the CDC, declared racism a “public health crisis?”  Since then a myriad of left organizations and governments have called for “racism” – as they define it, of course – to be declared a “public health emergency.”  Can “pandemic” be far behind?

When one is declared, what has happened so far among the Federal agencies and US social media organizations is going to look like beanbag.  Breathe a word against the Left’s lie that this is a “systemically racist” country and you’re going to get disappeared from social media, by law.  Freedom of speech?  How droll.  There’s an “epidemic” to fight.  So sit down and shut up, you capitalist-road running dog enemy of the people. The only opinion that counts is that of our International Overlords and their toadies in Washington.  If you disagree, well…

“Disinformation” is already mostly a crime.  Can’t have people stirring up doubt about the Godlike qualities of our leaders, can we? Especially in a public health emergency. So first your opinions disappear from the public square.  Then you do.  The regime’s memory hole is vast and it’s hungry.

Think it can’t happen? It already is.  Biden’s sort-of-secret agreement with the WHO has a provision which stipulates that, after it is okayed by our Dear Leader it will be in force until it receives the required Senatorial vote – which turns the constitutional process on its head. 

So while Congress dithers, the authoritarian state is rapidly advanced by eager ultra-partisan elitists, each firmly convinced that their unstinting service to the revolution will guarantee them a place in the ranks of the leadership class.  Alas for them: as they are ignorant of history, they haven’t noted that almost all modern revolutions, from the French forward, eventually eat their makers, then their spawn.  And alas for us:  the people, whose interests the hustlers, shills and self-dealers pulling the revolutionary strings piously claim to serve and idolize will be consumed when there is no one else left to pillage, torture and kill.

Meanwhile, the puppeteers will gather in Davos to eat quail and laugh at how stupid we were.

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