Well, that was fun. Almost 235 years of it.

Following the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a woman asked delegate Benjamin Franklin “Doctor Franklin, what sort of government have you given us?”  The sage of Philadelphia responded with more wisdom than even he knew, “A Republic, madam – if you can keep it.”

We now know that we cannot.

The penultimate step to tyranny was taken on the morning of August 8, 2022 in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, when an FBI goon squad from the Washington Field Office ransacked the residence of former president Donald Trump.  The putative cause had something to do with “retention of Federal records.”  Or perhaps classified documents. Or something else.

The sealed search warrant was approved by an Obama-appointed federal judge who defended associates of Jeffery Epstein  – beginning private practice the day after quitting as an assistant US attorney involved with Epstein-related cases. The warrant was based on statements from an agency whose leadership swore four times to federal judges in an ex-parte process that they had proof Donald Trump was a Russian stooge.

The raid was led by agents from the FBI Washington Field Office, whose special agent in charge, Timothy Thibault, is under Hatch Act scrutiny for his online anti-Trump raves and for quashing an investigation into Hunter Biden’s activities – and his laptop – on the eve of the 2020 presidential election.

The raid is unprecedented, even if classified information is discovered to have been removed from the White House.  Both the Bushes did so, without adverse action. So did Barack Obama.  God knows what-all the Clintons removed, although we do know that candidate Hillary Clinton kept classified information on an unsecured server and phones, lied about it, destroyed subpoenaed evidence and lied about that – all without adverse actions.

It is now entirely evident that the bureaucratic Washington elite – sometimes called the “deep state” – their allies in both political parties and their sycophants in the media have decided that a republic no longer suits their needs. They have weaponized the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security and are using them against their political enemies – which is to say anyone who thinks that in this country, the governments should served their citizens instead of the other way around. Barack Obama showed the way with his politization of the IRS; the rest is poorly – reported history in the making.

Now that Merrick Garland has appeared to give the patina of respectability to this sordid business by quacking platitudes about “nobody being above the law” the association with authoritarian regimes is complete.  There’s a word in Russian for this sort of lie:  “vranyo.”  It’s the lie that everyone, liar and audience alike, knows is a lie;  but the liar doesn’t care that the lie is known and the audience is powerless to do anything about it.  It’s an instrument of power, a spit in the face of ordinary citizens by a bureaucrat beyond their reach.

“Nobody is above the law?”  Please.  I’ve got two words for you, Merrick.  Hunter Biden.  When’s the crash-in party at his place?  Here’s two more:  Sandy Berger.  You know, the Clinton National Security advisor who marched out of the National Archives with classified documents stuffed in his socks.  When was he perp-walked, again?  

Attorney General Eric Holder defied a Congressional subpoena for years and was not touched. Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is led off in shackles for similar defiance.  Because, Trump. Hundreds of other current examples of disparate treatment at the hands of an utterly corrupt Department of Justice will doubtless come to mind. 

And God knows what the FBI agents thought they would find rifling through Melania Trump’s bedroom closet, but I’m certain they’ll come up with something. After all, the longer one waits for a rationalization from the Department of Punishment of Political Enemies, the more likely it is that the FBI is fitting something up for a Trump indictment.  After all, they’ve done it before, and the next time is always easier.  

All in all, Lavrentiy Beria couldn’t have done this better. The only thing is, the Americans who still believe in limited government and constitutional protections have the ability to express their opinion on this lawless exercise at the ballot box in ninety days.  I expect the result will be beyond the ability of the most subtle of Democrat fraudster to overcome.

Lastly, a note to the brave closet-peepers of the FBI’s Washington Field Office:  I doubt Melania will want her lingerie back when you’re done with it, you perverts.

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