“If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

That seems to be the current motto of the Democrat party when it comes to silencing political enemies.  Once content to rely on the good offices of Silicon Valley’s Left plutocrats like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg, they have apparently been stung to action by the purchase of Twitter by a man who proposes to open their former tool for “harmonizing” thought into a genuine public square with real exchange of ideas.  Whether the political elite like those ideas or not.

This cannot be allowed in the Peoples’ Republic of America, so the forces of public order sprang into action.  Ideas which had been festering below Washington’s surface for awhile were allowed to bubble out;  we saw one of them burst to the surface last week.

During Congressional testimony on April 27, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas – who evidently thinks that allowing tens of thousands of people to illegally enter the US weekly is proof that our southern border is “secure” – announced a new office to confront our country’s real enemy:  Americans who have disagreements with the Biden administration. To deal with these Enemies of the People, the newly-minted “Disinformation Governance Board” of the DHS will evidently be led by Woodrow Wilson Center fellow Nina Jankowicz.

Evidence of Ms. Jankowicz’s credentials for the position are many.  Just before the last presidential election, she parroted the line that Hunter Biden’s poisonous laptop was “a Trump campaign product” and “a Russian influence op” – the last in a Tweet still not taken down.  Before that, she embraced the now thoroughly discredited “Steele Dossier” as gospel.  She’s written a book which essentially says “To be a woman online is an inherently dangerous act” and equates replies to her Twitter postings to a mob of men following her home with bad intent. She says that “our systemic racism” allows “Russian disinformation” to be effective in minority communities – never thinking that their alienation might be due to the effects of this administration’s policies on those communities.  She thinks Twitter was right to censor those who posted naughty right-of-center views.

She’s perfect for the job.  If she’s looking for disinformation, she’ll find it in the mirror.

Think of it:  a rigidly doctrinaire Progressive from a “think tank” named after a brittle, ideological Progressive with no tolerance for opposition and a taste for using military force on American citizens is appointed to a new “Ministry of Truth” in the administration of another brittle, ideological Progressive with no tolerance for opposition who is considering using force against his fellow citizens.  If the symmetry were any more perfect, I would weep.

George Orwell would immediately recognize the maneuver:  seize the “commanding heights” of the information industry, label your political competitors as traitors and liars, vigorously promote your own propaganda, no matter how outlandishly far it falls from the truth.  Then, use the power of the state to crush those who dare to object.  Remember those in jail in Washington D.C., held for over a year without the Constitutional right of Habeus Corpus on the grounds that they entered a Federal Building – or simply strolled about the grounds – before you sneer that it just isn’t possible here.  Of course it is, and it’s happening right in front of your nose.

And it’s long past time the American people swept this entire rotten, corrupt cabal of wannabe great dictators into the dustbin of history.

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