It now appears that in a frustration-fueled rage, the empty suit that is Joe Biden will try to rip down one of the last props of the Republic to achieve his puppeteers’ dream of single-party rule.

It’s not just that the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” and its evil clone the “Freedom to Vote Act” would Federalize elections – an anathema to the “republican form of government” the Federal government is constitutionally bound to guarantee to each state.  Although the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is still largely intact and operating, the thrust of the Democrats’ new “Lewis” act is to revive the doctrine of  “special scrutiny.” Its authors assert that we are in a situation identical to that of 1965 Alabama – an assumption explicitly stated in Biden’s January 11 unhinged rant in Georgia.

Except we’re not.  Both the Census Bureau and other independent surveys indicate that, since 2012 at the very least, growth in minority voting has outstripped that of whites, particularly in what Democrats like to portray as bastions of racism like Georgia.  According to Pew Research,  black voters alone accounted for 48% of the increase in voter registration between 2000 and 2019 in Georgia, with 25% of the increase between 2016 and 2020.   If “voter suppression” is a problem there, it’s hard to see through the blizzard of registrations and subsequent ballots.

The act will also restore “precertification,” through which the thoroughly politicized and corrupt Civil Rights Division of an increasingly politicized Department of Justice will have the final say on any changes at all to local election practices, in a legal regime that gives the color of evidence to mere accusation of “discrimination.”  The accused has to prove that a violation has not occurred – standing American jurisprudence on its head.  The Supreme Court was right to throw this doctrine out in 2013, and it should not be allowed to crawl back into the light today.

The target of all this sound and fury is simple:  electoral integrity, including requiring a photo ID to vote, allowing close scrutiny of all processes including verification and counting by partisan observers, and scrupulous maintenance of voter rolls.  The first measure is approved by an overwhelming majority of Americans, including minorities who support it by 77%.  The second is necessary if faith in our electoral process is to be restored after the imbroglio of 2020, and maintained thereafter. Elections are the foundation of our country;  they must not only be free and fair, but must universally be seen to be so.  Close scrutiny will be required for a while.  Finally, the last measure seems self-evident.  The only opposition might come from those who argue that being dead is no reason to be deprived of access to the franchise.

But all this must go, and any opposition is the product of “racism,” that shopworn accusation of those without rational argument favoring their goals.  And to achieve their ends, Senate Democrats are willing to burn their own house down – with themselves in it.

 The goal is now to smash the filibuster, that Senate procedure which requires a bill to achieve a 60-vote, rather than a simple majority.  Or in the current case, a 50-50 tie with the Vice-President casting the deciding vote. Biden and others who clung to the filibuster when it suited their ends under Republican administrations, now lambast it as a “vestige of racism” and call for it to be done away with – in the case of their twin “voting rights” bills, anyway.  If the cynical hypocrisy were any denser, one couldn’t see the Capitol from the Library of Congress. Even members of his own party aren’t buying what he’s selling.

Democrat goals here are twofold and neither has anything to do with securing the franchise for the disadvantaged.  First, they intend to finally destroy the deliberative and restrictive nature of the Senate, a process underway for more than a century of Progressive undermining.  The Senate as designed to move deliberately and, in almost all cases, to force compromises among various interests.  Nothing could be more hateful to the current crowd of Democrat leaders.  They want another House – unthoughtful, wracked with emotion, easily led and willing to embrace the trend of the moment. They have forgotten everything they should have learned about the fickle and unstable nature of direct democracies – or perhaps they just don’t care about the effects on the nation, because they delude themselves by thinking that they will always be in charge. 

So they attack voter ID and other forms of security for election integrity.  In New York and beginning elsewhere, they move to credential those millions they have allowed into the country illegally, and lay the groundwork to allow them to vote – seeing these as a way to insure their continuing grasp on power as their traditional minority supporters begin to become disillusioned by their betrayals. To hell with people’s general acceptance of electoral results.  To hell with governing structures which have stood the test of time, because they were build with an understanding of human nature.  To hell with everything that stands in the way of a permanent Democrat one-party state, everywhere, by hook or crook.

It’s a shameful spectacle, embraced by corrupt creatures drunk with power.  And increasingly, the much-insulted American political center is sick of it.

Good luck in November.  If we make it until then.

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