Okay, Joe:  from Kabul to McAllen, you’ve shown us all that you’re either incompetent or criminally negligent.  Time to close the Southern border at least, or face impeachment.

Your Democrat colleagues won’t lift a finger to do it, of course.  That will have to wait another 18 months.  But impeachment should come shortly after January 4, 2023 for gross violations both of your presidential oath and of the Constitution itself, particularly of Article 2, Section 3.  You know:  the “…take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” thing.  Which you swore to “defend” on January 20 of this year.

You may not remember that.  Those surrounding you certainly don’t, or don’t care. But oaths still matter to many of the rest of us who are watching in horror as the foundations of our country are swept away by the neo-Vandals of the left. You and your so-called “Progressive” cabal may lust to smash the Republic and its laws in an attempt to seize and hold permanent political power for yourselves, but if that transpires you will find yourself presiding over a chaotic and violent wasteland which will delight only America’s enemies.

Last month more than 205 thousand people from all over the world illegally entered our country across the Southern border, a Federal misdemeanor offense.  Almost all of them remained, another misdemeanor. Some who were detained had crossed the border illegally previously, making their current attempt a felony. In all there are over 1.3 million illegal entrants so far this fiscal year, a threefold increase over all of FY 2020, according to Customs and Border Patrol. Over ten thousand of these were criminals previously deported, half with outstanding warrants.

Were all these illegal entrants detained and returned to their home countries, or at least sent back across the border to wait their turn to enter legally? Oh, Hell No.  Instead, the Biden Administration gave them a slip of paper with a court date and phone number, and whisked them away from the border to cities throughout the United States, often without alerting local authorities.  They did this by plane and bus, paid for by US taxpayers.  A fair number of these transportees – perhaps as many as 30% –  were COVID – 19 positive.

Want to make a dent in the pandemic, Joe?  Close the border. Now.

But you can’t, can you? The leaders of both major parties see too much advantage in the situation as it is.  Democrat Big Wazoos see a rapidly-forming new underclass of dependents on whom to practice their demagoguery and from whom to buy votes in order to retain power.  Their Republican counterparts see cheap lawn care and abundant manual labor.  Neither gives the national interest, nor the interests of the average American citizen the slightest thought.  The first is subservient to their lust for power; the second they see as an irrelevant inconvenience.

But they aren’t.  The first is intrinsic to why we have a country and the second… God help the political class if Americans ever realize the enormity of the lies they’ve been told.  Ask Pierre Danton and Maximilien Robespierre what happens then.

Hint:  it doesn’t end well.

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