An American Tragedy

Oh my.  Jen “Circle Back” Psaki, Joe Biden’s feckless Minister of Truth, let the cat out of the bag:  the White House has been using social media giants like sock puppets in an effort to “eliminate misinformation” about COVID-19 vaccinations.  A team of basement-dwelling  thought police has evidently been “suggesting” to Facebook, Twitter, et alia which  people and opinions should be consigned to the Memory Hole. They even have an enemies list, who doubtless will be dealt with forthwith.  Because make no mistake:  when those who could  regulate your power and billions out of existence with the stroke of a pen make a “suggestion,” it’s rather like Don Vito Corleone making you an offer you can’t refuse.  You do it, and no backchat.

Not that Silicon Valley has much of a problem with that;  the Lords of Tech are elitist autocrats with no regard for the average American, so they’re inclined to do that sort of thing anyway, just for giggles.

The premise is absurd – “misinformation” isn’t really the point, or we would be treated to lifetime bans doled out to Kamala Harris, who stated to wide social media coverage and acclaim that she wouldn’t take any vaccine Donald Trump had a hand in making, and to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has voiced more contradictory positions on the virus than almost any other public pontificator.  No.  They are not the target – people who voice qualms about taking a vaccine which has provoked real adverse reactions in some, or who question the need for an inoculation against a disease they have already had are.  People who quibble with the unquestionable authority of the state are because as a citizen, you have no right to do that.  As a citizen of Joe’s America, you have the right to shut up and obey.  Or else.

It’s part and parcel of the rest of what’s going on in Washington these days:  the hollowing-out of the military with wokism;  the politization of the national security apparatus and its refocusing on uncooperative US citizens, not on foreign enemies like China and Iran; the ultra-cozy relationship between the media and those who rule us;  the ongoing “harmonization” of the largest American corporations with the language and ultimately, the aims, of the Progressive Left;  the creation of a series of crises to keep the public in a state of perpetual panic. 

There’s a motto for what the Democrat party is trying to achieve with its war on traditions and conventional Judeo-Christian morality;  its grandiose schemes to remake American industry with Green New Deal five-year plans;  its showering buckets of money on favored classes, which it openly identifies;  its intent to use the useful idiots of the legacy media and the like-minded oligarchs of Silicon Valley to create the “New American Person,” forever in thrall to the central government and its intellectual fads du jour:  “Nothing above the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”   It was first voiced a century ago by one of the ideology’s best known proponents, Benito Mussolini.  But it is more-or-less the  operating theory of all totalitarian governments past and present.

Including the one President Biden and his puppeteers are trying to make for us.

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