Oh brother.  Months after being tapped by the president as the Biden administration’s “Border Czar,” Vice President Harris was finally shamed and cajoled into taking a trip to south Texas to see the unholy mess her boss has made of our southern border.  Seeing it in person apparently did no good.

Arriving in El Paso, the region’s biggest Democrat stronghold, she was greeted by the chuckleheaded Rep Veronica Escobar, who styled the city “the new Ellis Island” in a gushing reference to the New York port of entry that saw massive immigration into the United States at the turn of the twentieth century.

No, you fathead.  At Ellis Island judgement was made about whether an intending immigrant was “likely to become a public charge” by officials.  If so, the I.I was back on the boat home: one had to show the real likelihood of offering some contribution to the country to get in. Intending immigrants were examined for communicable diseases and if found to have one, quarantined or expelled.  If someone tried to sneak in or jump the line, they ran the risk of being beaten by the police, and then expelled.  There were rules, and they were enforced. El Paso is nothing like that today.  But Escobar’s quip sounds good to the historically illiterate.

Nor did VP Harris see the most problematic areas of the border, even in Texas.  That’s the lower Rio Grande Valley, starting about 600 miles to the east.  Perhaps that’s why the vice president of the Border Patrol’s union, Art Del Cueto, called Harris’ choice of El Paso a “slap in the face.”   Even Democrat Representative Henry Cuellar, who district includes the lower Rio Grande, complained that he wasn’t informed about the trip, and that Harris chose the wrong destination. 

But it was a great photo-op, and it allowed Harris to make outlandish claims, like “We inherited a tough situation” from Trump, or “we’ve made progress.”  Really?  In FY 2020, 132,806 single illegal entrants were detained at the border, as opposed to 410,460 in FY 2021 so far – a 209% increase.  Similarly, 40,548 “family units” versus 92,308 – a 128% increase.  And, yes, 18,096 unaccompanied children versus 47,642 – a hideous growth of 163%.  Clearly, a return to Trump’s policies – and numbers – would be actual “progress.” Unless VP Harris is talking about progress toward eradication of the border, with concomitant deluge of low-skilled and possibly ill-intended immigrants – who in any case will be dependent for survival on their Democrat plantation masters for a few election cycles, at least…

The entire business is a wicked fraud on the American people and, given the well-known ugly predilections of the human traffickers, smugglers, predators and other human flotsam drawn to the bloody chaos that is our southern border, even on those who think they are doing good for those trying to enter the United States illegally.

But then Kamala Harris was not put in charge to stem the flow, to bring sense to immigration, to do anything to further the national interest.  She was put in charge to assure that the system, and the border, will be fatally smashed, in the name of the temporary interests of a political cabal that seeks only power, whatever it takes.

Right now, we’re witnessing one of those “whatevers.”  And it needs to stop.

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