Chuck Schumer: fool or liar?

In the immortal words of Turanga Leela, “Oh Lord.” 

The worst isn’t that Chuck Schumer blames Donald Trump for the current problems employers are having persuading former workers to return to their jobs, instead of understanding that if someone is paid more for sitting on the couch and watching Netflix than working, sitting on the couch and watching Netflix is what will happen.  That’s just political hackery.

No.  The worst is that Chuck Schumer thinks there are people out there stupid enough to believe that a secure southern border is the cause of current labor woes.

Democrats have poured a torrent of money on those unemployed by COVID restrictions, and to a degree such payments were necessary – life support for a population victimized by a virus from China.  Now, however – with vaccinations proceeding, restrictions lifting and an economy in dire need of workers – there is no need to continue to subsidize idleness.  And certainly no need to pretend that any of this is Donald Trump’s fault. 

Joe Biden is now President.  Democrats control both houses of Congress and the White House.  What happens now is their doing, all of it.  No matter what excuses Chuck Schumer tries to fob  off on a credulous public.

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