Bad Times on the Border

Well, at least we now know how the Biden Administration plans to handle the catastrophic mess they’ve made of security at our southern border.  They will continue to ignore it, lie about it and pretend it will go away.

It won’t.  It will get worse.  And while we’re at it, no.  This is not President Trump’s doing.  The crisis  – yes, Secretary Mayorkas, it is a crisis, no matter how much you say it’s not – rapidly unfolding along the U.S. – Mexico border is due entirely to the rhetoric employed by Joe Biden and his minions during the 2020 presidential campaign, to the lackadaisical attitude the administration has shown toward protecting US sovereignty and to its utter lack of interest in correcting the problem.  Just get here, Biden promised, and you can become citizens.  “In the first 100 days,” he said during the campaign, I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people. And all of those so-called DREAMers, those DACA kids, they’re going to be immediately certified again to be able to stay in this country and put on a path to citizenship.”

It was an open invitation to break the law, as many at the time pointed out – to derision by the “better sort.”  Now, the Biden administration is shocked to discover that he as taken at his word by tens of thousands of people south of the Rio Grande, all of whom thought they had a personal invitation to enter the US and receive citizenship on doing so. 

No, Secretary Mayorkas, the border is not closed.  In February, the number of Border Patrol “encounters” with families entering the United States rose 168%  from the previous month, to 18,945;  the number of unaccompanied minors rose by 63%, to 9,297.  Numbers are now on-pace to give us over a million illegal border crossings this year.  Anyone with eyes can see that, despite your prevarications our southern border is wide open.

No, Secretary Mayorkas, you are emphatically NOT in control of our southern border.  Some of the most vicious, coldblooded, inhumane cartels in all of Central and South America are.  They traffic humans and drugs across the extent of the border, while diverting attention of the Border Patrol with babysitting duties – save where Donald Trump’s walls stymies them and channels them elsewhere.  You know, to the sections Joe Biden’s “stop the wall construction” first-day executive order left open to the worst of the worst.  Rape, slavery, murder and indenture as drug mules are the tools of the trade for the traffickers, and Biden’s hands-off policies are allowing them free rein. You should actually talk with the Border Patrol agents and county Sheriffs who deal with this carnage daily, before you assert so glibly to your enablers in the media that everything is under control. 

While we’re at it, a reminder:  there is a way to bring the situation back under control.  Finish the wall, return to President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy” and stop talking about amnesty for anyone.  That will calm the chaos and allow our country to regain sovereign control over its borders.  Customs and Border Protection and Department of Homeland Security statistics demonstrate this:  faced with a similar surge in FY 2019, the Trump administration cut the pressure roughly in half by doing all three. This actually works.

This won’t happen, of course.  Democrats are completely in thrall to their dogmatic, America-hating left wing; to idealists without any clue about cause-and-effect; to their corporate masters who want nothing more than the low wages and cheap lawn care that unlimited immigration will supply. They will move heaven and earth to realize these goals, sowing division and betraying the lower-middle class and minorities they have pretended to protect in favor of their new clients who have entered our country illegally and remain here illegally – all the while thinking these tactics will cement their political power in perpetuity.  

It’s an ugly game, and it’s long past time the truth was told about it:  encouraging, supporting and cosseting illegal immigrants is a tactic to serve a narrow sector of our country’s business and political elite, and to set at nothing the interests of a majority of citizens and the country itself. 

Time to stop it.

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