Kangaroo Kourt Verdict

So the hate-driven farce in the Senate is over, ending in another acquittal for Donald Trump.  Now we are treated to Democrat howling about the result – and praising to high heaven the House prosecutorial team that lost the case.  Yep, they’re Democrats – only they would think losing such a historic case would be praiseworthy.

I don’t know which was more pathetic – the fact that Democrats are so deranged by their obsessive hatred for the former president that they had to push forward a process that made “Kangaroo Kourt” an insult to kangaroos everywhere or, having brought the case with the monolithic backing of social media, most of its legacy media colleagues, with visual aids worthy of Hollywood and a case presented with the bathos of a bad romance novel, they lost.  Because lose they did.

Now we are watching the painful and brackish aftermath, with the losers tantrumizing mightily over their loss without spending a moment thinking about why it might be wise to consider the effects their whining and bitter namecalling might have on the large segment of the population that supported the man they now persecute.  Yes, persecute.  In the wake of the Senate’s “You’ve got to be kidding me” verdict, the subject of criminal prosecution for the same supposed “crimes” has already come up.  Washington’s Swamp Creatures simply cannot let the man be.

I’m no fan of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, but he made one of the most trenchant observations following the former president’s acquittal.  He pointed out that, should House Democrats have carried the day, they had already made it clear that there was no natural bar to any other Bill of Attainder against individual private citizens they might care to pursue.  If  the thought of Fancy Nancy Pelosi and AOC wielding unconstrained prosecutorial power at will, in a non-judicial process of judgement doesn’t make your blood run cold, check your pulse.  You’re probably dead already.

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