Well, now we know that 56 US senators either can’t read plain English or don’t give a damn what our Constitution says any more.  Either one is an adequate explanation of the Senate’s vote to continue with their Kangaroo Kourt trial of one Donald Trump, now a private US citizen, after attorney David Schoen’s opening statement.

For those who missed it, Schoen quite effectively demonstrated why the ongoing impeachment effort is a legal nullity – void ab initio for those of us whose Latin is up to speed – and that the process constitutes an unconstitutional bill of attainder – a legislative trial against a private citizen without any protections of judicial process.

For those whose hate blinds them to everything except the target, this talk is just pettifogging:  nothing should stand in the way of their revenging themselves on the Bad Orange Man.  What they forget is that, once the principle has been established, nothing stands between any of us and the sort of judicial proceeding faced by Grigory Zinoviev or Lev Kamenev.  It’s only a matter of the leadership’s whim, after all…

So as we all fall further down the rabbit hole, let’s remember – those of us who know something about history have a reason to be uneasy.  We’ve seen this before, and we know:  it always ends in tears.

Stay tuned.

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