Here we are in the second week of the reign of King Joe the First, the realization slowly dawning that the Democrat party is not only the party of Big Business, Big Tech and Big Media, it has overnight become the party of monarchy.

Yes, Joe is scribbling away in the White House, signing whatever product his party’s extreme left wing has placed before him.  With a stroke of the pen he seeks to unilaterally alter both national policy and law, guaranteeing both political chaos and constitutional crises in the future.  But don’t blame him;  he probably knows about as much about goings-on around him as did the last king of America, George III, in the latter days of his life. Which is to say, not much.

Constitutional guardrails don’t matter a bit to King Joe.  If they did, he wouldn’t try to enact “Immigration Reform” by executive order.  See the Constitution’s Article 1, section 8.4 if you are skeptical. Nor would he have signed anything halting the Keystone XL pipeline.  Regulation of commerce among the states (Keystone is a multi-state pipeline) is specifically a purview of Congress, under the selfsame Article 1, section 8.3.  Go read it.  In fact, go read the entire Article, followed by Article 2, on the presidency.  It’ll make one better informed than King Joe, who evidently hasn’t.

Neither does the Constitution matter much to the Democrat majority in our House of Representatives, nor to the 50 Democrat Senators.  If it had a scintilla of meaning to them, we would not be witnessing the modern American version of a Stalinist show trial – the impeachment of a president already out of office and a private citizen (see that “No Bill of Attainder” phrase in Article 1, section 9.3), nor the ongoing “unpersoning” of conservatives by the Lords of Tech, now firmly allied with the Democrat party, whose bidding they will do in return for favor and obligation. The aforesaid disappearance of persons, which would be instantly recognizable to George Orwell’s Winston Smith, has been a hallmark of totalitarian regimes since the French Revolution.

So has the labelling and doublespeak we now hear from the radical left the Democrat party has become.  Speaker Pelosi, she of chocolate ice-cream fame, calls Republican congresspersons traitors, extremists and racists for the effrontery of doing what her Democrat colleagues did in 2001, 2005 and 2016. She is echoed by her many minions on the left. But all the while she voices platitudes like “unity” and “healing” out of the other side of her mouth.  Her counterpart in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, does the same while preparing to ram a two-trillion-dollar bailout for misgoverned states like New York through the Senate without even attempting to speak with Republican senators. In his eyes they are Mensheviks, unworthy of anything but a one-way ride to the Kommunarka forest.

Such is the new regime of “healing and unity” we have foisted upon ourselves.  I hope that it will not be too late to change things when sufficient others discover that the “unity” our new leaders lust for is the unity of  “One country, one thought, one leader…”  That just never ends well.

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