Quite an inauguration, yes?  An empty national capital with military patrols everywhere;  fences keeping people – you know, “the people” Democrats are constantly yammering about serving – miles away from anything;  a ceremony for a small crowd of partisan sycophants itching to get on with the work of destroying the country they despise and building the Workers’ Paradise they envision. Looks more than a little like an inauguration in Panem – or in some other, real totalitarian dystopias I’ve seen.  Think Belarus or Ceausescu’s Romania for example, where the governments are all-encompassing, brutal, incompetent, corrupt and distrustful of the people to the point of paranoia.  Call it a preview of coming attractions.

I thought that “walls don’t work,” by the way.  But they seem to be everywhere in Hidin’ Joe Biden’s Washington – another indication that with Democrats, one can never believe what they say.  One must watch what they do instead to discover what they really believe but will never utter in public.

There was a pean from the national poet laureate worthy of Mayakovsky.  There was a truncated rendition of “Amazing Grace” by Garth Brooks that dropped the middle four stanzas.

Oh, and the speech. Mercifully brief at 21 minutes – possibly as much as Joe could accomplish – it was curiously schizophrenic.  It featured repeated calls for unity and painted the nation in positive-ish terms while repeatedly and mistakenly referring to it as a “democracy” rather than as a “republic,” which is a distinction with a difference.  But president Biden also characterized it as having “systemic racism” and “white supremacy,” by which many of his fellow-Democrats mean “conservatives” and non-Washington Republicans respectively.  These two characterizations are irreconcilable;  the new president must chose which nation he will be president of, and there are no dearth of hard-left Democrats to help him make up his mind.

Here’s some free advice, Joe:  if you want the “unity” you profess, you’d best start by telling your colleagues to stop talking nonsense about “re-educating” Trump supporters and to knock off gibbering gleefully about denying any further employment to Trump supporters.  That and the rest of the sore-winner garbage we hear from knuckleheads like David Atkins, Eugene Robinson, Emily Abrams, Michael Simon and other wannabe apparatchiks of the authoritarian Left is the stuff of division, not unification.  So tell them they’re not helping.  And while you’re at it, remind your flog-the-dead-horse buddies in Congress that impeachment was designed to remove a criminal or incompetent from office;  now that Donald Trump is no longer president, it serves no purpose other than to prove to millions of Republicans and other Trump supporters how mean and vindictive your party is.  Not a good way to seek unity – unless it’s the unity of oppression amid the wreckage of the Republic.

They – and you – should remember the old Japanese adage:  “If you seek revenge, dig two graves.”

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