A Cosmic Screwing

So now we hear that one Eric Swalwell, D-CA and member of the House Intelligence Committee, is in high dudgeon about revelations that he was very probably elected with a lot of financial help and what one might call (ahem) “moral support” from one of China’s premier intelligence agencies, through one of its many agents in the US, a certain “Christine” Fong.  Swalwell refers to the recently surfaced information as a “payback” from the Trump Administration for his dogged public insistence that the President was an agent of Moscow.

Hey, Eric.  It really isn’t a very good look for a member of the House Intel Committee to accuse the President of being an agent of a foreign power while shtupping a ChiCom spy, taking her money and parroting the Beijing party line. Kinda pegs the hypocrisy needle, if you know what I mean. Not that Democrats have ever been bothered by that

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