All New Same Old, Same Old

So Slow, Hidin’ Joe Biden has revealed part of his proposed Administration, thus tipping his hand as to the type of government he intends to create.  He introduced this Blast from the Past with the quip that we need “New Thinking,” which is hilarious to say the best of it.

This band of retreads from the Obama Administration indicate clearly that Joe intends to go Back to the Future, relying for its main foreign and economic policy ideas on a regime that was a nonthreatening failure for allies and enemies alike – although it did tend to regard average working Americans as a batch of brainless rubes whose  interests could safely be ignored in the rush to make the world’s cognoscenti more comfortable.

Of course our allies will “welcome America back.” Or more precisely, its wallet.  No more distasteful quibbling about NATO members “paying their fair share.”  That’s what American businesses are supposed to do – at least the ones who don’t have “special relationships” with the Administrative State. 

Of course we’ll get along better with China. All that unpleasant business about unfair trade practices, theft of intellectual property rights, threats to free navigation, currency manipulation and the like – that’s all in the past.  President Joe will make sure that everything goes back to normal;  you rented him for four years after all, and a deal is a deal.

Of course we’ll crawl back to the Iran deal, begging the mullahs’ forgiveness for having the effrontery to object to Tehran’s “Death to America” national moto and its headlong rush to Uranium enrichment.  That’ll sure bring “peace to the Middle East.”  For as long as it takes Egyptian and Pakistani technical expertise, Saudi money and Turkish radionucleides to come together with a “Sunni bomb” to counter what is seen as a “Shiite bomb.”  Religious animostity and nukes.  What could possibly go wrong there?

Speaking of religion, its back to the Paris Climate Accords we go as well, with John Kerry criticizing all of us in his best sepulchral tones for being the naughty carbon-spewing organisms we are, while giving the world’s foremost and third-ranked carbon polluters a pass for the next decade or so. Because well, you know – they’re “developing” countries so the carbon they spew doesn’t affect the atmospheric heat balance like our carbon does…

There’s much more of course.  But that’s for later.  And yes – don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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