Words Have Meanings

Memo to slow Joe, Kamela and all the Dems who got the weasel-wording plan of action:

Sorry, No. “Packing the Supreme Court” does not refer to a party’s nomination of judges to the bench in regular order, following constitutional practice. That said judges are to the nominating party’s judicial taste is no be expected. That is why said party was elected to office.

To insist that this is “unconstitutional” shows utter ignorance of the Constitution. To call it “court packing” is to betray lack of understanding of the English language, or a desire to so warp both the meaning of plain words and public confidence in American institutions so profound that it abolishes all traces of decency and honor. To accuse one’s opponents of trying to do what one is itching to do one’s self is the mark of a paranoid.

None of the above is worthy of the party of Henry Jackson and Harry Truman. It is a betrayal of principle by a small, vicious, power-grubbing elite who have nothing but contempt for the American people and our institutions.

By the way, “court packing” refers to increasing the number of sitting justices until a reliably pliant bench is achieved. It is a perfect way to eliminate any sense of legitimacy remaining in the judiciary, making the bench entirely a creature of the ruling party. A more insidious plan to dismantle the last vestiges of constitutionalism in American could hardly be imagined.

Illegitimate? Thy name is Democrat. Away with them all.

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